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Project Zomboid updates and a howto

By - | Views: 10,719
My favourite zombie survival game of the moment Project Zomboid has had multiple new releases recently. They have also now included a multi platform launcher (Java) which allows Linux and Mac gamers to easily launch and play, while still in the early stages it now works reasonably well, it downloads and updates the game for you as they push out the new releases.

The easiest way to buy it is currently on Desura's Alpha Funding (£4.99!). Do not download it from Desura as that is currently the old "stable" version which is nothing like the new versions as they have much more to offer (including the launcher).

You need to look to their forum for these new releases as they are not classed as "stable" releases so they are not on the front page. Look to the top sticky posts titled "RELEASED: 0.2.0l changelist" for example which at time of writing is the latest update - be sure to check the forum though to see if there are newer.

Once downloaded remember to set the file as executable by either going into the properties like so;

Or in terminal make it executable;
Quotechmod +x ProjectZomboid.jar

You only need to download the launcher as that gets everything for you then run it in terminal via;
Quotejava -jar ProjectZomboid.jar

You can see videos of the newer stuff on a previous post I did - Project Zomboid On The Road To Release.

Also have a compulsory "woo it works" screenshot;

TIP: If using nvidia optimus (Dual graphics) with The Bumblebee Project use the intel card to first load up and login and the rest of the time use optirun to get performance (you can't login using optirun for some reason...i have reported this issue). Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Brandon Smith Mar 25, 2012
I would not have known this unless you pointed it out. I was waiting for something to be updated in Desura. Thanks Liam.
Alex V.Sharp Mar 25, 2012
I knew I missed something. Thank you. :)
Gunman Apr 4, 2012
Quoting: "liamdawe, post: 3823, member: 1"Once downloaded remember to set the file as executable by either going into the properties like so;

Or in terminal make it executable;

Don't, the jar file doesn't need to be executable since you run it through java anyway.
Liam Dawe Apr 11, 2012
If you run it via GUI rather than terminal it has to be made executable.
Brandon Smith Apr 11, 2012
When will they finally update on desura, this is redonculous.
Liam Dawe Apr 11, 2012
Once they have finished their test releases on their forum.

They are getting close.
Gunman Apr 12, 2012
Quoting: "liamdawe, post: 4017, member: 1"If you run it via GUI rather than terminal it has to be made executable.

No you don't, right click it and choose 'open with java'. Or go to its properties and set it to always open with java as standard.
Liam Dawe Apr 12, 2012
I tried it before posting, i unchecked the executable file, right clicked open with java and it tells you to make it executable...try it yourself.
Liam Dawe Apr 12, 2012
Just a thought we are both right as i doubt you use Ubuntu as i know Ubuntu has different permissions on files than other distros. Wine comes to mind you have to change exe executable on Ubuntu but other distros you don't.

I will be sure to bear in mind that on some distros certain steps may not be needed.
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