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The Adventures of Rick Rocket v1.1.1 is available!

By - | Views: 10,329
My Game Company has released v1.1.1 of The Adventures of Rick Rocket! This is my 1950s-style space shooter with epic space battles between fleets of capital ships and fighters, a wide variety of mission styles, and a sci-fi story like the old Dan Dare and Flash Gordon serials.

This update contains a number of bug fixes that I made to the underlying game engine during the development of Dirk Dashing 2, as well as a few enhancements to the game itself. I've also replaced the Linux installer with a more modern one that won't crash on most 64-bit distributions. (It still crashes on Linux Mint 11 & 12, but I'm working on it - I just couldn't hold up the release any longer, because I have multiple customers waiting for some of the more critical bug fixes)


Here's what's new in this version:

- Fixed: installer crashes on 64-bit distributions (should work on most of them now)
- Fixed: crash when trying to use gamepad or joystick on newer Linux kernels
- Fixed: bad file permissions set on some files, which causes issues when installed as root
- Fixed: better support for PulseAudio, without the need for "padsp" on some 64-bit distributions like Mandriva 2011
- Fixed: toggling between fullscreen and windowed modes crashes the game
- Fixed: toggling between fullscreen and windowed modes can scramble textures
- Fixed: centipedes & millipedes no longer let you sit safely while they circle you
- Fixed: pressing ESC key on main menu returns you to the game instead of exiting
- Optimized texture loading so it works better across a wider range of video cards
- Replaced the next & previous buttons on the chapter selection screens with nicer ones from Dirk Dashing 2

You can download the latest version here:

The full version costs $9.99, and includes 48 levels, over 30 different kinds of ships that show damage as they are hit (instead of an artificial floating health bar), 12 different power-ups, and more.

Enjoy! Article taken from
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About the author -
Troy Hepfner
Former indie game developer

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Xpander Mar 3, 2012
its strange tho that the issue is linux mint only
cuz Mint is using the base of ubuntu packages just with few tweaks here and there
MyGameCompany Mar 3, 2012
Yeah, I don't get it either. At least one user I know of tested it on Ubuntu 64-bit and told me it worked there.

I'm still waiting to hear back from Bitrock about this problem. That's strange too, because usually I hear back from them fairly quickly...
MyGameCompany Mar 5, 2012
I've got a newer version of Bitrock, and I rebuilt the installer for The Adventures of Rick Rocket v1.1.1. See if this one works for you on Linux Mint 64-bit:
Xpander Mar 5, 2012
still same unfortunately

xpander@xpander-desktop ~/Desktop $ ./rickrocketsetup_linux
(main.tcl:11011): GdkPixbuf-WARNING **: Cannot open pixbuf loader module file '/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache': No such file or directory
(main.tcl:11011): GdkPixbuf-WARNING **: Cannot open pixbuf loader module file '/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache': No such file or directory
Segmentation fault

so basically still segfault straight.
MyGameCompany Mar 5, 2012
Ok. When I saw Bitrock had a newer version, I hoped maybe it was fixed. I'll keep my support ticket open then...
Xpander Mar 5, 2012
ok now got rid of that pixbuf issue also
i had this loaders.cache on different place since i have 64bit system. made a symlink of it to i386-linux-gnu and the error is gone.
so its not affecting the segfault just to be sure...alltho it was expected.
MyGameCompany Mar 5, 2012
I heard back from Bitrock today. Here's their response:

QuoteHi Troy,

The issue is an error with version of 32-bit Gtk libraries on 64-bit Ubuntu (as Mint is based on Ubuntu, it has also inherited the issue).

InstallBuilder detects this error in Ubuntu correctly and we will add checking for Mint and falling back to "xwindow" mode.

As a workaround, the installer will work just fine in any other mode - you can recommend the users to run the installer in other modes:

$ ./rickrocketsetup_linux --mode xwindow


$ ./rickrocketsetup_linux --mode text

and the installer will work properly.

The issue is documented here:

So it sounds like they will be patching Bitrock to detect the problem. As soon as they do, I'll rebuild the installer. Meanwhile, I will add a note to the game's Linux download page on my web site.
Xpander Mar 6, 2012
nice works now :D
MyGameCompany Mar 6, 2012
Cool! Thanks for verifying that!
MyGameCompany Mar 8, 2012
Bitrock sent me a release candidate for their next version, and I rebuilt the installer for The Adventures of Rick Rocket v1.1.1. Can you see if this one works for you on Linux Mint 64-bit (without needing to run from the command line, per Bitrock's response that I quoted above)?
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