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Wasteland 2 Kickstarted

By - | Views: 10,506
*Post taken from forum and moved to news by Rustybolts*
I noticed that the The Kickstarter for Wasteland 2 is launched, and it looks like it's going to be another big one (like the Double Fine Adventure) as they have already raised over $750 000.

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There's no official word of Linux version, though it has this bit:
QuoteAt $1.5 million, the world gets even bigger. You’ll have more adventures to play, more challenges to deal with, and a greater level of complexity to the entire storyline. We’ll add more environments, story elements, and characters to make the rich world come alive even more. We will even be able to bringWasteland 2 to OS X for Mac lovers. And after $1.5 million the sky is the limit.

So it does sound like they might be convinced to do a port?



The page has been updated with a FAQ:
QuoteWe love Linux and have great respect for the Linux community. We are currently evaluating several engines for use in Wasteland 2 and we can't make a 100% commitment to the Linux version just yet. Just know that we will do everything we can to make it possible, and as soon as we know for sure that we can do it we will make another announcement.

Twitter post
Quote#Linux users. We've heard your requests, and will include a Linux version (in addition to more content) at $1.5 million in pledges.

http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inxile/wasteland-2#WhatAbouLinu Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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whizse Mar 15, 2012
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Oh dear, I would have made a much better writeup if I knew it would be posted verbatim on the front page :oops:

Anyhow, the initial goal for $900 000 has already been reached. Just $600 000 to go for the Linux port.
Rustybolts Mar 15, 2012
Quoting: "whizse, post: 3711, member: 126"Oh dear, I would have made a much better writeup if I knew it would be posted verbatim on the front page :oops:

Anyhow, the initial goal for $900 000 has already been reached. Just $600 000 to go for the Linux port.

Its fine as it is bud cheers for the news!
whizse Mar 15, 2012
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I see they have even reaffirmed Linux support in an update:
Quote"At the $1.5 Million level we will be adding a Linux version along with the Mac OS X version. We know that the Linux community is a very dedicated and internet-active group, so we hope their support will help us make that goal."
Alex V.Sharp Mar 16, 2012
I guess we made enough of an uproar for them to notice us. I should know - was part of it. ;)
whizse Mar 16, 2012
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So have many of you played the original Wasteland? I must admit that I only know of it as the precursor to Fallout.

It's been on my list of games to check out, but that list only seems to grow longer and longer.
Bumadar Mar 16, 2012
glad I took the gamble, I figured that by that time (oct 2013) Wine would have improved even more that it would be no issue to play the game....... now even that will be sorted, they gone hit the 1.5 easly
Catalanoic Mar 16, 2012
amazing project, maybe natively in linux!!! But 1,5 is alot of money i think! i have a question, the pledge of 50$(+15 for international shipping for me) you can adquire the full large boxed copy of Wasteland 2 for PC, ¿the linux version is inside too? ¿or in another/different amount of pledge? Ever if we can reach at 1,5M$ target, i suppose.
Liam Dawe Mar 16, 2012
Awesome news, will be interesting to see!
MaximB Mar 16, 2012
Donated my part, I'm sure 1.5M will be raised, we got more then a month left.
I even think we can reach 3M as with that adventure game ;)
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