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Wing Commander Saga Release Date

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Wing Commander Saga is a free to download space action arcade game set in the wing commander universe. WCS will be available on Windows, Mac and Linux using an enhanced freespace 2 engine which also has now been given a release date of 22/3/12.

QuoteIn an interview with TCN News, Colonel Christopher "Maverick" Blair said, "I have never felt comfortable with people calling me 'The Savior of the Confederation.' Sure, I was the wing leader in the raid on Kilrah, and I was the one who dropped the Temblor bomb. But I don't want people to forget that I only got that far because of the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of others."

This is their story.

The conflict between Earth and Kilrah is drawing to a close, and the Terran Confederation is not winning. Humanity's only hope lies in a desperate plan that will require even idealistic young fighter pilots to stretch themselves beyond all imagination. It's the end of the world, and you have a front row seat.

Raw emotion, realistic characters, a hard look at the devastation of war, and intense large-scale space combat action await you as you assume the role of 2nd Lt. David "Sandman" Markham. Twists of fate will throw you out of your dull backwater assignment and right into the hottest spots of the most devastating war in history.

Wing Commander is back. You know Blair's story, now experience the rest of the Saga.>

Wing Commander Saga Prologue:

Desperate to replace the combat losses suffered in the Battle of Terra, the Confederation has turned to its Officer Candidate School (OCS) programs to fill the ranks. You assume the role of 2nd Lieutenant David Markham, a recent OCS graduate in an accelerated flight training program on an aging, dilapidated carrier in a backwater system. Things are not always as they seem, however. Join with Markham's wingmates as he gets his first taste of the seemingly inevitable doom that the Kilrathi are preparing to unleash upon the Confederation. Fly patrols, work with your wingmen, and struggle to survive as the final battles for the fate of humanity begin to unfold. The Saga Prologue sets up the tone and the story for the epic struggle and apocalyptic finale you will experience in the full release of Wing Commander Saga. Are you ready for this?

http://www.wcsaga.com/ Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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Cheeseness Mar 5, 2012
Neat. What's the relationship to Ensign 1?
Brandon Smith Mar 5, 2012
There is none, he's just using an oversized banner for his signature.....like a boss
Cheeseness Mar 5, 2012
Ah, k. That makes a little more sense.
Liam Dawe Mar 5, 2012
I will work on the styling to seperate signatures a little more.

Edit > Made the dashes bolder and moved the signatures further down from posts.
Cheeseness Mar 5, 2012
That's heaps more readable.

Also, flight sims yay!
Rustybolts Mar 5, 2012
Quoting: "Brandon Smith, post: 3628, member: 56"There is none, he's just using an oversized banner for his signature.....like a boss

You call that a banner! Let me put my glasses on....Oh there it is ;)
Catalanoic Mar 16, 2012
great movie, great game with huge graphics, and the developers confirms the linux version, awesome!!
comlink Sep 22, 2013
Waiting forever already!
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