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Ensign -1 Alpha Desura Release

By - | Views: 8,269
We are pleased to announce the availability to purchase the Alpha of Ensign-1 from us at Only Human Studios. Ensign-1 is available to purchase via Desura priced at £3.49 on Windows, Mac and Linux. You can expect plenty of improvements along the way and you get it at a much reduced price to boot.
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Ensign 1 is multiplayer space combat game that allows players to leave their ships on foot to commandeer turrets, and other starships. Players will also be able to purchase weapons, upgrades, and brand new ships.

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Nerv Apr 11, 2012
Will you give out Desura activation keys for your Kickstarter backers?
Brandon Smith Apr 11, 2012
Yes we will.
Liam Dawe Apr 11, 2012
Sweet i was going to ask the same question about that, any idea when we will get them?
Brandon Smith Apr 11, 2012
Hopefully later today or tomorrow. Once the next patch goes out.
Liam Dawe Apr 11, 2012
Ah sweet, looking forward to getting it up and running :D
MyGameCompany Apr 12, 2012
Congratulations on the alpha release! That's a big step forward!
Rustybolts Apr 12, 2012
Quoting: "MyGameCompany, post: 4025, member: 68"Congratulations on the alpha release! That's a big step forward!

Thanks appreciated!
Andreus Viktualius Apr 12, 2012
Looks better and better!
I'm not sure, but I think I read a post from you saying you want to stop adding fps to your games.... I hope you were joking, because this is one of the most promising indie-fps I've ever seen... ;)

As always: Sorry for my bad english and thanks for bringing more great games to linux!
Zachariah Callaway Apr 12, 2012
Is there a way to get involved in affiliate marketing of this game?
Brandon Smith Apr 13, 2012
I would be the one to contact at [email protected]

Oh and thank you Andreas. I'm glad you approve of our take on FPS play! When I said that in the forums, I meant games after Ensign. We'll definitely try and make the FPS sections in Ensign-1 as good as we possibly can!
Although after that, yea I'm hoping to focus on other types of games. Rusty and I have been thinking about a few 3rd person types of games we'd like to make.
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