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Kickstart all of the games!

By - | Views: 16,997

Game funding on Kickstarter is alive and well. With a little help from friends we have taken a second look at some titles that could be of interest to Linux gamers.

  • More RPG goodness! Jordan Weisman is doing a sequel to Shadowrun. Yes, Shadowrun!
  • So far an Android version is promised, as for Linux their FAQ states "We can't commit to a Linux version right now but we're definitely looking into it!". A Mac version will happen at $425 000 and considering how close they are to that goal, let's hope they can be convinced to throw in another port too.
  • Al Lowe is bringing Larry Laffer back and is doing a remake of Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards. They want to bring the game to "every single platform in existence" and Linux is specifically mentioned as a priority.
  • Nekro, "an overhead, randomly generated action game about summoning evil forces of darkness to do your bidding". Supposedly a Linux version is confirmed, but no word on the Kickstarter page yet.
  • Proppa, "help the Proppas collect their eggs and survive attacks by the evil snakes". A Linux version will happen if they get 50 Linux supporters at any level. (In theory, $50 will do the job!)
  • Vigrior, a fleet based, combat manoeuvre focused RTS. Only Windows is guaranteed on launch, but Linux could happen: "Linux and Mac OSX; Part of our porting efforts include these operating systems! Linux is close to our <3, and Macs? Yeah sure, bring them along, Macs need better games anyway :)"
  • BIONITE: Origins, an eFPS, extended first person shooter. Basically an original take on the FPS/RTS hybrid. "But, we also have bigger plans if we exceed $15,000. We want to allow people to play this game on any platform possible, be it: iOS, Android, Linux, Mac, Xbox, Playstation, etc."
  • Valdis Story: Abyssal City, a "side scrolling action adventure for P.C. with an emphasis on intricate and rewarding combat as well as deep play style customization". Only Windows on launch, but "A Mac version is most likely be the first port we make, and we have received some interest in a Linux version".

Thanks goes to readers Zerothis and Bumadar, and the members on the Ubuntu Forums for digging up most of these.

If you know of any other interesting Kickstarter projects that might be considering Linux ports, or of a good way to twist the arms of game developers to force them to consider ports, let us know in the comments!

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whizse Apr 5, 2012
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Interesting to note that Leisure Suit Larry is using the Unity engine.
Bumadar Apr 5, 2012
we gone need a kickstarter widget or something to keep track !
Bumadar Apr 5, 2012
Necro looks cool too, loved the old Myth games, specially the dwarves throwing the satchels lol..... but 100.000 to fund is a lot :/
Eddward Apr 6, 2012
Well, Bionite looks interesting. BZ was one of the frist games to get me to like RTS in games at all. Let call out Linux support, but one of their videos on kickstarter starts with a UDK logo. Does UDK support Linux?

Whize pointed out Leisure Suit Larry is using Unity. Are these companies just going to use Kickstarter to become another Primal Carnage?
whizse Apr 6, 2012
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QuoteTo everyone asking about a Mac version of the game, we've been saying that if we hit the $425,000 level, we'd add it. Linux support is definitely on the table too! (After all, who'd be a better Decker?)

Sure sounds good!
Lax Apr 7, 2012
No Linux for Shadowrun Return :(
I cancel my pledge!

QuoteAs part of our review, we came to the conclusion that feature additions such as aLinux version, Multiplayer PvP, and Cooperative Play are beyond the scope of the project and would cause us to lose focus on the game you reacted to so positively (and the game we really want to make).
Bumadar Apr 7, 2012
Also cancelling my pledge, shame :/ If you can do mac your so close to linux.....
Brandon Smith Apr 7, 2012
I agree with that. Porting to Linux is way easier than porting to OSX.
Jeffrey Revock Apr 7, 2012
I love the game concept, so I didn't cancel my pledge. I did reduce it, though. I will only pledge so much for a game that may or may not run under wine. If they had actually committed to doing a native Linux version, I would have pledged MUCH more.
Brandon Smith Apr 7, 2012
I am porting to Mac now, and I wish that OSX never existed, or at least that I had never promised to port Ensign over to it!
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