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Salvation Prophecy predicted for Linux

By - | Views: 7,456
Have you ever heard of Firedance Games? It's a fairly small Indie developer, small as in only Sean Lindskog and some on-line artist contractors. So what makes them so special? Well, first there are their mountainous ambitions, and then there's the fact that they are actually very close to achieving them! They have recently finished their first games 'Salvation Prophecy' and are now only waiting to solve some digital-distribution deals before starting to sell.


'Salvation Prophecy' is essentially categorized as a Sci-Fi epic. You choose one of four available factions (mutant, humans and two artificial intelligence) and fight for galactic domination while at the same time preparing yourself for the prophesied day of reckoning. The gameplay is a rather curious mix ranging from space-based shooter, action-RPG exploration and, once you reach a high enough rank, strategic and managerial elements such as constructing stations and taking care of colony defence.

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And to top it all Sean has confirmed that he would love to make a Linux version if given the chance! The bad news is that the whole thing rides on how well the game initially sells. After all: developers have to eat something else than computer code, right?


So if you've ever been interested in futuristic space games, 'Salvation Prophecy' is definitely a title worth watching out for! Article taken from
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Dmitri Seletski Apr 25, 2012
Graphics is nice, but i can't say i am impressed. If price is right, surely looks interesting for buying. I am affraid this news will be overshadowed with Phoronix link, about Valve porting source to Linux.
Xpander Apr 25, 2012
seems pretty good judging by the trailer video.
if it works with wine and is priced nicely then i will defenetly buy it.
Bumadar Apr 25, 2012
think it looks pretty sweet indeed.
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