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Trine 2 officially released for Linux

By - | Views: 13,869
The long awaited sequel to Trine is now finally released for Linux. A lot of eager gamers already bought the game via the Humble Store and has already had access to an early release of the port, but it's now released officially by Frozenbyte.

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Trine 2 is a puzzle platform game and has so far gathered a lot of very favorable reviews. Features includes polished visuals, a great soundtrack and both local and online co-op play.

If you want to have a chance to win a copy of Trine 2, check out the contest run by Kame in the forums. Article taken from
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whizse Apr 4, 2012
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I succumbed to peer pressure and bought it. Mostly just to support FB and try it out on Mesa, I've yet to play the first game.
Xpander Apr 4, 2012
im holding myself back for 1 month. just to wait and see what happens with the steam linux client rumors.
its mostly because most of my friends are using windblows and DRM free copy of Trine 2 doesnt match with the steam versions multiplayer. So im unable to play with friends then.
and i also dont want to buy the windows version, because they support our beloved platform natively :)
Kame Apr 4, 2012
If you buy it in the humble widget on their site you get a steam copy along with it, you support the Linux version AND are able to play with friends if a Linux steam client gets released!
Xpander Apr 4, 2012
Quoting: "Kame, post: 3922, member: 102"If you buy it in the humble widget on their site you get a steam copy along with it, you support the Linux version AND are able to play with friends if a Linux steam client gets released!

nice to know that. then its time to open up the wallet :D
Bumadar Apr 4, 2012
i am unsure what to do, love trine and trine 2 on my ps3 but also want to support them on their linux support.......
Xpander Apr 4, 2012
and bought it now...let the gaming begin:P
Cheeseness Apr 5, 2012
So glad to have a native port of this.
I wrote [URL='']a review[/URL] of Trine 2 last year if anybody needs extra convincing :D

Quoting: "Bumadar, post: 3925, member: 93"i am unsure what to do, love trine and trine 2 on my ps3 but also want to support them on their linux support.......

Buy it for Linux? I can't imagine it being fun at all with a game pad...
If you can't bring yourself to buy it again (this game is worth more than $30 IMO), you could send the Frozenbyte guys some fan mail to make sure they know how much you appreciate Linux support :D
anonymous Apr 5, 2012
Trine 2 is first game ported to Linux by Frozenbyte (not Alternative Games ).
Cheeseness Apr 5, 2012
Quoting: "anonymous, post: 3930"Trine 2 is first game ported to Linux by Frozenbyte (not Alternative Games ).

Exactly, that's why it's doubly important to let them know how appreciated it is (in-house porting shows a greater level of commitment and is more likely to lead to simultaneous releases).
Hamish Apr 5, 2012
Quoting: "anonymous, post: 3930"Trine 2 is first game ported to Linux by Frozenbyte (not Alternative Games ).

Not trying to be a bastard but, "Citation Needed".

If it is true, I wounder what the Alternative Games people are up to?

QuoteWe ported Trine 2 ourselves to Linux and Mac.
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