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Drifter - A space trading game

By - | Views: 6,056
Drifter: A Space Trading Game has a Kickstarter fund setup which notes a possible Linux version.

The game itself is the authors own take on a Sandbox space trading game inspired by old school games like Frontier.

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He is quite honest;
QuoteWhat about Linux?

I've been a huge supporter of Linux since the mid-90s and there is no technical reason that I can see why a Linux version of Drifter is not possible. However, I am unsure I can provide and support a Linux build at launch and I'd rather not commit to a timeline for it so it wouldn't be right promising a Linux version to potential Kickstarter backers. That said, if the campaign receives enough funding it will increase the chances of a Linux release dramatically but please don't make that the sole reason you're backing the project.

I've pledged my $1 in the hopes a Linux version will come just to show support, if one is confirmed in the future then I will be sure to up my pledge and secure a copy! Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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malkien May 4, 2012
I sent him a message on kickstarter and he said he will not manage a linux build at launch, being the only developer.
But he also added: "For what it's worth, a Linux version of the game is something that will happen eventually."
ksd May 9, 2012
Another game on Kickstarter for Linux : Two Guys SpaceVenture - by the creators of Space Quest. Link:
ksd May 10, 2012
Quoting: "ksd, post: 4225"Another game on Kickstarter for Linux : Two Guys SpaceVenture - by the creators of Space Quest. Link:

Heres another one : Haunts: The Manse Macabre. Link :
Liam Dawe May 13, 2012
Thanks ksd!
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