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Lodestar: Stygian Skies

By - | Views: 5,203

The year is 0x171F and if you’re reading this, then our experiments have worked. In the year 0xC92 you will uncover the secret to faster than light travel and, without knowledge or intention, cause the destruction of your planet. This is a warning to all who would stand on the shoulders of gods. We need your help.

Have you heard about a new game being developed called Lodestar: Stygian Skies?

Lodestar: Stygian Skies is a voxel-based, tactical RPG set in the future, on the planet Protos. Gameplay revolves around exploring this hostile new world, fighting a deceptive xenobiological nanotech collective, and uncovering a rich story that takes a new form with every playthrough. The game mixes procedurally generated content with extensive lore to create a unique tactical role-playing experience.

The game is being developed on Linux and will be released for Linux first, with a Windows version following close behind. The classes and combat mechanics are loosely based on Open Game License content, which will be available to the public under the same license.

A Kickstarter campaign has already been launched to help save the human race, but your time is running out. Our window of opportunity is closing. The human race will never face a greater challenge.
[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]Official Website

Press Kit

Kickstarter Campaign
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/41329137/lodestar-stygian-skies-tactical-science-fiction-rp Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: Misc
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Bumadar May 19, 2012
interesting ! should be move to the frontpage though as its a sure Linux release :)
Jason Taylor May 20, 2012
Thank you for the move!

Also, I'd like to express my gratitude to those of you who have backed me on Kickstarter. We almost have that 10th bit filled! :D

My goal is to make the game open to modification, and if I reach the final stretch goal, release the source code to all backers under the CC Attribute ShareAlike 3.0 license.
Bumadar May 20, 2012
backed, really hope you make it :)
Liam Dawe May 20, 2012
Got around to reading a bit of the kickstarter page, really looks promising and I like your honesty.

Best of luck.
Bumadar May 21, 2012
needs more exposure though, not yet seen it on other linux sites (although I probably not know them all)

submitted it to Phoronix as he said he will post game news if he knows about it ....
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