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Ubuntu Only - EA links in USC

By - | Views: 4,314
Okay so everyone should know this by now but hey...EA has put links to two HTML5 games in the Ubuntu Software Centre, I say links because that's pretty much all they are. So EA is starting to recognise Ubuntu at least...with two rather lackluster HTML5 games which aren't native but basically links to web games.

Lords of Ultima and Command & Conquer Tiberium Alliances are the two titles in question.

I have seen someone compare the C&C:TA title to a Zynga game on Facebook like Cityvile where most of the game is about mindlessly clicking on buildings...and using your credit card to buy more...stuff...not personally tried the game myself but that sounds highly boring.

As for Lords of Ultima I have actually tried it for about half an hour and it's in my eyes a beefed up version of the thousands of text/image browser based games that have been out since...forever. Again very much a click here, now click over here and no real fun involved.

So people having been chatting about it in our chatbox/shoutbox so I thought I would bring attention to it...what are your views? Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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CzarnyNalesnik May 9, 2012
Anyone has video / article / other news from the EA presentation on UDS?
Liam Dawe May 9, 2012
It hasn't happened yet so nothing to report.
CzarnyNalesnik May 9, 2012
ooh i'm sorry for stupid question, these time zones :D

2pm in California is around 10pm in English time zone?
Bestia May 9, 2012
Instead of installing this crap links to websites you could try a real game in NaCl. This game comes from other big publisher Ubisoft. The game is called From Dust and you need atleast Chrome 19 (currently in Beta stage) to play it. This version is marked as Beta and the system requirements are quiet beefy (Quad Core processor).

You can install it either from Chrome Web Store or by going to this [URL='']address[/URL]. You can try it for free (no saving) and the full version costs $9,99. The sound was very bad with PulseAudio but on Open Sound System it's much better and I think the same will be with pure ALSA (movie sequences still have pretty bad sound).

[URL='']From Dust for Chrome FAQ[/URL]
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