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Carmageddon for Linux needs another 70 grand

By - | Views: 9,352
The Kickstarter for Carmageddon: Reincarnation quickly reached the funding goal of $400 000. Unfortunately the bar for Linux and Mac ports of the game was set considerably higher, at $600 000. Now, with about two days left it looks to be a close shave if that goal is to be reached.

If the stretch goal isn't reached all might not be lost. In a recent AMA on Reddit the developers, Stainless, explained that they plan to continue to take pre-orders via Paypal and add this towards the total sum. They also mentioned that they see this as an opportunity to go cross-platform for other titles based on the same technology. Perhaps funding Carmageddon should be seen as less of chance to get a native vehicular manslaughter sim and more of an opportunity to set a company on the right cross-platform path? Article taken from
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Brandon Smith Jun 4, 2012
One thing I never understood but was okay with in Twisted Metal. If there's a freakin' car deathmatch going on in a carnival or such, evacuate!
Liam Dawe Jun 4, 2012
So close!
whizse Jun 4, 2012
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It would actually be kind of cool if the pedestrians started to fight against the racers, planting traps etc. like in [URL='']Death Race 2000[/URL].
Hamish Jun 4, 2012
You people are sick, you know that? :p
Xpander Jun 5, 2012 - not looking so good atm

i have high hopes into this project.
carmageddon was my childhood favourite(my parents didnt see what i was playing damn :))
Qantourisc Jun 5, 2012
I done my part :)
Xpander Jun 6, 2012
they will port it anyway

pledged instantly after i saw that update :)
Liam Dawe Jun 6, 2012
Soooooo close ! $591,974 with 7 hours left, I will be surprised if it doesn't hit it!
Xpander Jun 7, 2012
and its done
pretty much lastminute pledgers :)
Qantourisc Jun 7, 2012
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