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Tomes of Mephistopheles got new GUI !

By - | Views: 8,752
We have been under the radar since our last update. That doesn't mean we stopped working on Kot in Action games :)

Tomes of Mephistopheles got a few new things coming, one of which is a new GUI:

Another image is on the KiA's website. Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: Misc
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motorsep Jul 19, 2012
Hmm.. Is there any reason for the image not to show up on the front page?
Liam Dawe Jul 19, 2012
Glad to see updates coming in, was wandering what was happening as you have been quiet and I have been looking forward to seeing this game polished up ready for me to buy :)

The reason for it not showing up is the crappy portal script we use is supposed to grab the first included media and stick it in a box to the side of each news post which i disabled but it doesn't stop it removing the media - I will look into a fix for it still trying to grab the media.
whizse Jul 19, 2012
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Bumadar Jul 19, 2012
looks good.

my personal preference is no youtube/image on the main page, but more text news, but then maybe I am boring ;)
Xpander Jul 19, 2012
looks nice..
can't wait to see some good progress.
motorsep Jul 19, 2012
Progress is pretty slow as such art takes quite some time to make, unfortunately.
motorsep Jul 19, 2012
Added more images to the blog page (the link is in the first post).
Bumadar Jul 20, 2012
Quoting: "motorsep, post: 4990, member: 154"Progress is pretty slow as such art takes quite some time to make, unfortunately.

but it does improve the 1st impression of people a lot when they start the game :)
Liam Dawe Jul 20, 2012
Fixed media not showing up on the portal btw :)
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