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Desurium 0.8 RC3 Call For Testing

By - | Views: 9,282
Last month saw the 0.8 branch of Desurium receive final polishes after entering a "feature freeze". We are on our third Release Candidate and are seeking feedback before moving to General Availability for our 0.8 release.


We have closed all of the remaining bugs in our 0.8 milestone, and we now need as much testing feedback as possible to make sure that Desurium 0.8 is stable and ready for release.

Full details, builds and repositories can be found over the the Desurium group on Desura!

P.S. Apologies for the mixup a few days back. At that time, we didn't have a clear picture of when package maintainers would be making RC3 builds available, and we didn't want to put the call out before people had something to test with. Article taken from
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Game developer, Linux helper person, and independent writer/interviewer.

Currently working on Winter's Wake, a first person text adventure thing and its engine Icicle. Also making a little bee themed base builder called Hive Time :)

I do more stuff than could ever fit into a bio.
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Hamish Nov 20, 2012
Great, just grabbed it. Wonderful to see some more progress being made. :)

Only problem I am experincing on first blush is that sometimes when loading the application the login screen gets a bit messed up like so:

Killing the application and restarting it usually solves the issue, but it keeps cropping up.
Liam Dawe Nov 20, 2012
Hmm that looks like bug: [URL='']#190[/URL]
drogeek Nov 21, 2012
Actually, desurium works even better for me. It actually launches the videos, I don't have to switch back to my browser to watch them. Good
Cheeseness Nov 21, 2012
Quoting: "Hamish, post: 6741, member: 6"Only problem I am experincing on first blush is that sometimes when loading the application the login screen gets a bit messed up like so:

Wait till you see the other potential side effect (sometimes colours get a bit exciting). Is this on a fresh system, or one that has previously had Desurium installed? How frequently would you say this is happening for you?
anagromataf Nov 21, 2012
Quoting: "Hamish, post: 6741, member: 6"Great, just grabbed it. Wonderful to see some more progress being made. :)

Only problem I am experincing on first blush is that sometimes when loading the application the login screen gets a bit messed up like so:

Killing the application and restarting it usually solves the issue, but it keeps cropping up.

Is this with a distribution specific repository or with the standalone tar?
Hamish Nov 21, 2012
Quoting: "anagromataf, post: 6752, member: 386"Is this with a distribution specific repository or with the standalone tar?

I am on Fedora 16 i386, and I used the standalone tarball.

Quoting: "Cheeseness, post: 6751, member: 122"Wait till you see the other potential side effect (sometimes colours get a bit exciting). Is this on a fresh system, or one that has previously had Desurium installed? How frequently would you say this is happening for you?

I see what you mean:

It seems to be happening quite often unfortunately, or at the very least, when it does happen it does not resolve itself that quickly. I had an older Desuirium build I grabbed last August which was afflicted by the same issue, yes.
Hamish Nov 21, 2012
Quoting: "drogeek, post: 6749"Actually, desurium works even better for me. It actually launches the videos, I don't have to switch back to my browser to watch them. Good

Oh, don't get me wrong; in every other respect it is a huge improvement, especially with the videos. :)

Although I did notice the scroll bars are a little inconsistent now, with the Play section having it's own dark one and the others seeming to just use my GTK theme's one.
karolherbst Nov 22, 2012
Quoting: "Hamish, post: 6755, member: 6"I am on Fedora 16 i386, and I used the standalone tarball.
It seems to be happening quite often unfortunately, or at the very least, when it does happen it does not resolve itself that quickly. I had an older Desuirium build I grabbed last August which was afflicted by the same issue, yes.

The problem is, that we never found out when this bug happen. If you read this post:, you will notice, that we are trying awesome crazy things to find it out. But in the newest version I can't reproduce it anymore.

Especially we are lacking on developers, who has enough time to look into such bugs more deeply.
berarma Dec 2, 2012
Errrr... I've tried to build it but it isn't easy. I usually don't have problems with build systems, but this one is a bit messy. The script to install dependencies won't work, I don't like such blind scripts neither. I install cmake and start building. Now it's downloading chromium source code??? Having to build Google's browser is a bit off. Again asking for some dependencies I can't satisfy on my system, namely gtk2. I'm on Debian SID.

Now trying the binaries... Ugh, I'm giving up.
anagromataf Dec 2, 2012
Quoting: "berarma, post: 6915, member: 131"Errrr... I've tried to build it but it isn't easy. I usually don't have problems with build systems, but this one is a bit messy. The script to install dependencies won't work, I don't like such blind scripts neither. I install cmake and start building. Now it's downloading chromium source code??? Having to build Google's browser is a bit off. Again asking for some dependencies I can't satisfy on my system, namely gtk2. I'm on Debian SID.

Now trying the binaries.

We don't build chromium; we build a custom patched CEF (chromium embedded framework ) which is based upon chromium; taking a minute and reading the README might be in order to get to know some dependencies; otherwise you are welcome to join #desura on freenode if you have other problems
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