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0 A.D. new website and next release imminent!

By - | Views: 5,453
0 A.D. the often talked about (especially here) open source Real Time Strategy game from Wildfire Games has a new website with a revamped look and new address so update your bookmarks!

Along with that it seems they only have 2 issues left in the tracker for Alpha 12!

In the next alpha you can expect the usual gameplay refinements and bug fixes looking back on their logs here are the interesting bits for Alpha 12 that I could find:
      Removed user feedback button, replaced with a report bug button which goes to their wiki
      Updated and new unit portaits
      Updated maps with newer/better terrains
      New water shader + Water fixes for Intel HD3000 users
      Heroes are limited to 1 alive per player per hero
      Updated units and buildings

Not sure if this will make it to Alpha 12 but Seige units will eventually need packing/unpacking:
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Gamerlv Dec 10, 2012
This game has always interested me, but nether have been able to play it because nvidia doesn't play nice.
What do you guys think? Worth it to try playing it again?
ksd Dec 10, 2012
There is a kickstarter project started by the Platinum Arts Sandbox team: Find Me Coppers - A 3D Treasure Hunt Adventure Game. Link:
Hamish Dec 10, 2012
Quote0 A.D. is available in the official Fedora repositories starting with F16.

Bloody hell, how did that slip by me?

It would be interested to see this game pop up on places like Desura though, maybe when it is a bit more stable.
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