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A round-up of all things Steam right now!

By - | Views: 16,957
Time to do a round-up of all the latest on the Steam front for all of you, especially those not including themselves unofficially in the beta.

Steam Client
Firstly Steam itself got updates:
      added libgl1-mesa-glx and libgl1-mesa-dri dependencies to the Steam package
      fixed the minidump generator to upload properly versioned minidumps
      initial bootstrap now generates minidumps
      fixed window titles for the Gnome desktop
      fixed overruns when drawing multi-line text
      fixed crash that occured when downloading TF2
      bootstrapper now continues execution even if UI can't be displayed
      fixed numpad key symbol occurences when in Num Lock mode
      fixed a common joystick crash

There are still of course a number of issues still present like when visiting Discussions using the Steam Linux client it gets laggy because of the hover over text (where it shows you a snippet of the post within).
You cannot close it to any kind of tray icon, closing just minimizes the application.

Beta Invitations
They have sent out another lot of invitations recently and are steadily increasing the amount of people included so if you aren't in yet then sit tight. They are as always tight lipped on exactly when they will increase it and by how many each time.

The good news is the titles that will be available is slowly growing with titles like Puddle & FTL coming to Steam for Linux.

Splice from one of the recent Humble Indie Bundles is also now a Steam Linux title.

The developers of Serious Sam 3 have been active on the Steam Linux forum tracking down issues and posting public beta versions of the game which include much better performance.

Ryan (icculus) has been active on their as well sorting out issues for Tripwire games like Killing Floor. A game I can't recommend enough, I've played a fair amount of it over the years. It is also on sale at Gameolith!

Team Fortress 2 is installable and playable even if you are not in the official Beta now as well so if that title was holding you off it's time to jump in and give it a go!

Unity of Command demo is installable now! Just tested it and even on open source AMD drivers it seems to work quite well!

The Steam CDR list has a "Coming Soon" title right at the bottom of it, so this could be what Phoronix hinted at knowing about as the next major game title which opens up quite a few possible games like:
      Portal 1/2
      Left 4 Dead 2
      DOTA 2
      Counter Strike (CS/GO)

Could be any one of them as all top name source titles.

Sign off
It is good to see developers involve themselves on the official forums for Steam Linux and help users track down issues I hope this trend continues.

Once my graphics card arrives (soon) you will see me in game more too ;)

So how are you finding Steam GOL folk? Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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minj Dec 3, 2012
No Steam for me as a**h**** from nvidia don't even bother to reply to my email for weeks now. Their new (talking the past year!) drivers are unusable.
Liam Dawe Dec 3, 2012
What graphics card and Distro?
minj Dec 3, 2012
8400M G Ubuntu 12.04 x64. Initially I was running Unity but dumped it for lxde. Still not usable. I use 275.43 now lol. Anything newer has major glitches. 310 even crashes on login screen lol.

I know the GPU is not a beast by any means but with lxde I can run SPAZ maxed out and it's 'officially' supported even in 310.
Bumadar Dec 3, 2012
hmmm I can run steam still fine but it has not updated itself in a few weeks now, so not sure when these updates got in and how, but not via auto-update, unless I need to re-install/hack a newer .deb package but that is just a starter for the real download, not much more.
dimko Dec 3, 2012
I was playing TF2 for a week mate.
You got laptop video card. They always suck, even on i am not one bit amazed. apart from SLI fiasko - i never had any issues with my Nvidia Binary drivers. In fact, i had mobile nvidia and it worked better under Linux. So before making bold claims, ask on user forums. Ask Nvidia themselves.
Anon Dec 3, 2012
I got into the beta over the weekend. A Valve dev got me in directly after a comment I left on Reddit :D

A separate thing, anyone else having issues with TF2? There's a lot of small random freezes.
minj Dec 3, 2012
Quoting: "dimko, post: 6955"I was playing TF2 for a week mate.
You got laptop video card. They always suck, even on i am not one bit amazed. apart from SLI fiasko - i never had any issues with my Nvidia Binary drivers. In fact, i had mobile nvidia and it worked better under Linux. So before making bold claims, ask on user forums. Ask Nvidia themselves.

You don't need to tell me I am using laptop or that I need to contact them. Seriously, I am not that dumb.

I registered to their forums and waited for someone to approve me (so I could post) for months. No dice.
Then I sent an email to [email protected] with detailed description and multiple logs. It's been a month since I did that and not even an automatic response.

I don't need any excuses. The card is officially supported, end of story. So again, where is my support? Or do I need to book a flight to US and knock on their door?

This situation is beyond being funny:

So, yeah. I envy you guys. I wonder if it's possible to hack the stupid Steam driver check. Indies run fine on 275.
Xpander Dec 3, 2012
u are probably one of few who has the issues.
i know people who use 8xxx series cards with 310.x without any problems.
Anon Dec 3, 2012
Quoting: "Xpander, post: 6958, member: 92"u are probably one of few who has the issues.
i know people who use 8xxx series cards with 310.x without any problems.

Yep, I set up my father's laptop with Ubuntu and R310 drivers and it's all working fine. The card for the record is an 8400M. So it seems like an unlucky coincidence.
Hyeron Dec 3, 2012
Quoting: "liamdawe, post: 6947, member: 1"Ryan (icculus) has been active on their as well sorting out issues for Tripwire games like [URL='']Killing Floor[/URL]. A game I can't recommend enough, I've played a fair amount of it over the years.

Ditto. Potential buyers beware though: the game has some (quite) ugly issues with a bunch of textures right now. Gameplay is nigh perfect, but it's painfully ugly at times, what with full white pipes and wrong textures around.
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