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Football Manager 14 to officially support Linux!

By - | Views: 22,424
Great news Football/Soccer fans! Football Manager 14 will be officially supporting Linux as stated by the developers!

For the more technically minded, the flavour of Linux we'll be supporting it Ubuntu 12.04 (LTS)

Miles Jacobson (@milesSI) May 25, 2013

That is a tweet from the Studio Director of the Football Manager game studio!

Pretty big news as it's one of the most popular games on Steam and it's latest version that will now be heading to Linux, no word of a release date yet though.

For reference Football Manager 13 is on Steam so check it out their if you don't know what they are like.

This will be the first game officially made by Sega (The developers studio is owned directly by Sega!) to hit Linux! Article taken from
Tags: Steam, Upcoming
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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L4Linux May 26, 2013
Fuck yeah!!!!!
Kristian May 26, 2013
For those that don't know: This is published by Sega and developed by its subisidiary Sports Interactive.

So now we can add another major publisher to the list of those supporting Linux.
toor May 26, 2013
Sega was involved in The cave as well
Kristian May 26, 2013
Quoting: toorSega was involved in The cave as well

Sure they published that but that was down to the development studio, Double Fine Productions, supporting Linux.
Rustybolts May 26, 2013
That's great news! Currently playing 2013 on android.
Punisher May 26, 2013
Good guy Sega
mongrol May 26, 2013
FM is easily the greatest game ever made IMO, but unfortunately SiGames is a big proponent of DRM and no doubt this will be on Steam only with DRM.
Kristian May 26, 2013
Quoting: mongrolFM is easily the greatest game ever made IMO, but unfortunately SiGames is a big proponent of DRM and no doubt this will be on Steam only with DRM.

Big proponent of DRM by that do you mean 3rd party DRM on top of Steam? Limited installs/authentications? Constant online DRM? Anything like that? or are you only talking about Steam DRM it self?
mongrol May 27, 2013
3rd Party DRM. Last version I played was 2010 on the Mac so it may have changed but they were very insistant that they had to use it (I think it was SecureRom at the time) in order to protect their game. It may have changed.

Incidentally I just mailed SIGame support asking for alternative payment options (I just want a paypal address to give them money and I can get the game data anywhere) but they fobbed me off (expected) saying it was Steam and Googleplay only.

I WANT to give them money, but they don't want to let me. People are weird.
Dis May 27, 2013
They've switched to Steamworks 2 releases ago.
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