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Don't Starve Has Another Content Update

By - | Views: 10,506
Klei Entertainment sure are awesome with their support of Don't Starve giving it yet another content update. It's a very weird and dark game of survival with a great art style that's well worth checking out.

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Personally sank a few hours into it, if you haven't picked it up yet then you really should it's a well supported and very fun Linux game.


    Create your own character animations and sounds using Sprinter & FMOD!
    New modding tutorials.
    These tools are still in development and should be considered experimental. Please give us feedback in the Pipeline Tools Thread.
    Re-laid out the mods screen in anticipation of controller support.


    You can repair chess junk piles with gears to spawn a friendly chess mob.
    New Nightmare Knight
    New Nightmare Monkey
    Splumonkeys no longer use the “follower” component while they harass you. This should make fighting back easier.


    Added a day/night cycle to the sinkholes (this is not synced with the upper world)
    Added a new pillar type into level 1 caves.


    You can now craft a shooty horn/eye turret item.
    You can now craft potted ferns.
    You can now craft the “Deconstruction Staff”.
        You can deconstruct any item that has a recipe to gain the materials used to craft it.
        The staff takes into account how “used” an item is. If you de-construct something with only 30% durability left, you will only get 30% of the materials back.
        The staff will never give back gems that are part of any recipe.
    You can now craft Thulecite walls.
    Items in the ruins will now sometimes drop “Thulecite fragments” which can be refined into Thulecite.
    The Ancient Guardian will now drop a horn when killed.
    Fishing in the wilds ponds will now produce an eel.
        The eel can be cooked into unagi.
    Changed the art for the monkey spawner.
    Increased the number of uses the pickaxe has.


    You can now craft with the keyboard. (This is part of the WIP controller support)

That's quite an update you have there! Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Shmerl Sep 29, 2013
For those unaware, it's available DRM free in the Humble Store.
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