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GOL Cast: Discover Your Inner Gun Nut in Receiver

By - | Views: 9,311
Reloading in modern shooters was way too easy anyways, anyone can simply press R and wait a bit, so let's take it up a notch and simulate realistic gun mechanics! Oh, my magazine is empty... what do I do now?

Receiver is an FPS game made in seven days for the 7DFPS challenge with the idea of exploring real-life gun mechanics, randomized levels and unordered storytelling in the familiar first-person shooter format. Your mission is the uncover the mystery of an event called the Mindkill by finding audio cassettes located all around the complex, while avoiding automatic turrets and flying shock drones.

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Because of the focus on realism over traditional gameplay, it takes some time to figure out the complex controls (luckily they have a help menu for that) but once you are done with that you can really start enjoying the game. Though you can most certainly expect multiple deaths before you come even close to collecting all of the 11 tapes.

Game's website: Article taken from
Tags: FPS, GOL Cast
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I'm a Linux gamer from Finland. I like reading, long walks on the beach, dying repeatedly in roguelikes and ripping and tearing in FPS games. I also sometimes write code and sometimes that includes hobbyist game development.
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1 comment

HadBabits Oct 1, 2013
I had never had such a rush beating a game!
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