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Nuclear Dawn Confirms The Next Version Features Linux Support

By - | Views: 10,797
You may have seen on our twitter a while ago we retweeted a post from Interwave about Nuclear Dawn on Linux! The tweet linked to a facebook post which simply stated this:
QuoteGood news for all you Linux fans out there, we have started to work on Nuclear Dawn version 7.0 which apart from some bug fixes will also include support for Linux! Stay tuned for more news later this month!

So it looks like Valve came through for them and gave them what they needed to update their build for Linux support, good news everyone! You may remember our article on this in september (here) where we told you about Valve looking to help them out.

Nuclear Dawn is the first game to offer a full FPS and RTS experience, within a single gameplay model, without crippling or diluting either side of the game.
As a soldier, explore war-torn post-apocalyptic landscapes, modelled on modern cities, and take the fight to your enemies as armoured, assault or stealth infantry, using various weapons across ten distinct load-outs to accomplish your objectives. The first person shooter action in Nuclear Dawn is hard, fast and unforgiving, with weapons that rely on skill and tactics more than on twitch reflexes and map memorization.
Then, take Nuclear Dawn above the action, and play as the commander. Organize your fellow players in squads, and assign them to tactical objectives. Plan the resource routes for your army, and production of your structures for forward deployment. Exploit the terrain and resource point locations to block your enemies’ advance, and crush their plans in an iron fist. Research and implement new technologies to give your soldiers the edge on the battlefield, and set up forward bases to lead the assault on your enemies, with a full complement of defensive and offensive structures to choose from, to build your perfect fortress.

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  • Two factions: The Empire and the Consortium have completely separate base-building paradigms.
  • RTS commander: Produce structures, research advanced technologies, unleash devastating strikes on the enemy, and lead your team to victory as a RTS commander.
  • Four classes: Each faction has four classes with various kit load outs, totalling over three dozen weapons.
  • Squad up: Squad-based 32 player full warfare battle mode.
  • Six maps: Travel across the largest, most detailed maps built in Source multiplayer to date.
  • Advanced Weaponry: As a commander, judiciously dispense healing to your troops, and death to their enemies, by managing your advanced abilities.
  • Stats and Unlocks: 60 ranks, 12 unlocks for each weapon, achievements, gizmos and more.
  • SDK: Nuclear Dawn Software Development Kit will be available for the community to be able to create custom maps, etc.
  • Source Powered: Based on the L4D2 engine and modified to bring you the ultimate online battle experience.
  • Steam Play - Windows, Mac, Linux
Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Cheeseness Oct 10, 2013
Time for a happy dance :D
Sabun Oct 10, 2013
Sweet! I got Nuclear Dawn back when I saw Xpander playing it through Wine smoothly. Had no idea back then that they would support Linux :D
Anonymous Oct 10, 2013
Nice! Though, I'd like to see more RTS and RPGs for Linux :(. Most games released are FPS.
Sabun Oct 10, 2013
QuoteRPGs for Linux
You and me both man. Salvation Prophecy on Steam looks interesting, seems to have some sort of RPG elements to it. Nothing like Fable, Suikoden or Final Fantasy though.
Liam Dawe Oct 10, 2013
Quoting: Quote from Sabun
Quoting: QuoteRPGs for Linux
You and me both man. Salvation Prophecy on Steam looks interesting, seems to have some sort of RPG elements to it. Nothing like Fable, Suikoden or Final Fantasy though.
I will cover Salvation Prophecy once I'm not forced to tether my phone to my PC to get the net.
philip550c Oct 10, 2013
Quoting: Quote from Anonymous:(. Most games released are FPS.
Not that many new ones
Hamish Oct 10, 2013
Quoting: Quote from liamdaweI will cover Salvation Prophecy once I'm not forced to tether my phone to my PC to get the net.

I still have it sitting sadly in my Desura cart, but extra farm expenses have made me a bit more guarded with my money for the moment, after already clearing several items out from it. I suppose I will get to it eventually... :|

Oh wait, we are supposed to be talking about this game, right? 

*leaves quietly*
Sabun Oct 10, 2013
QuoteI will cover Salvation Prophecy once I'm not forced to tether my phone to my PC to get the net.
Sweet! I'm thinking of getting, so I'll definitely check out your article on it :)
manny Oct 11, 2013
wow I've been waiting for this.

Love FPS with RTS.

Another one with lots of potential and seems to be coming to linux (unity3d) is universum-war-front:

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