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SteamLUG January Events

By - | Views: 5,502
Hey people!

A slightly late notice that the Steam Linux User Group (SteamLUG.org) has its January events lineup available for anybody who'd like to meet and play with other Linux gamers.

At the time of writing, our Nuclear Dawn event is tomorrow. It's shaping up to be big and exciting. We've got a second server on standby in case we overflow, so there'll be plenty of room for everybody.

We started off the month with our "TF2 Smissmas" event, in which much gift giving was done and many mercs/robots were killed, and our Dota 2 event, which brought some new players into the fold. Today we had our Guns of Icarus Online event, for which we had three SteamLUG ships fully crewed for a while and xpander has provided the lovely video seen below.

Event times are in UTC (click on an event for local time via Steamcommunity.com) and happen at 20:00 (8:00pm).

All of our events aim to be accessible to newcomers and give experienced game a chance to play socially.

Our "Bughunt" events, marked with a hash (#), are meant to indicate that we're playing a game that is pre-release or still in beta for Linux rather than that a game should be considered buggy. We try to make sure that we pick games which are stable enough to be enjoyable (although we have coordinated actual bugfinding events when developers have requested them).

Events marked with an asterisk (*) follow a live SteamLUG Cast recording, and are likely to start late when we go over time. People are more than welcome to join early and listen in! Of particular interest, we have Oliver Franzke from Double Fine joining us on the 24th before our Brütal Lgend event for SteamLUG Cast Season 2, Episode 2 to talk about the upcoming big budget cross-platform adventure game Broken Age (formerly the Double Fine Adventure)! Exciting!

Here's a video of our most recent event, some tactical steampunk airship combat fun in Guns of Icarus Online (it looks slow, but it's a lot of fun)!

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Hope to play with you soon! Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: Steam
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Game developer, Linux helper person, and independent writer/interviewer.

Currently working on Winter's Wake, a first person text adventure thing and its engine Icicle. Also making a little bee themed base builder called Hive Time :)

I do more stuff than could ever fit into a bio.
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Speedster Jan 11, 2014
SteamLUG Cast with Oliver sounds great, need to remember to listen to the recording (will be at work while it is live)
Xpander Jan 12, 2014
Recorded First Round of Nuclear Dawn also:
View video on youtube.com

Had to bail out after that round though sadly. Got some Visitors.
Cheeseness Jan 29, 2014
Quoting: SpeedsterSteamLUG Cast with Oliver sounds great, need to remember to listen to the recording (will be at work while it is live)

As promised, here's the archived recording! Enjoy!
Speedster Jan 30, 2014
Thanks! Interesting interview, and nifty audio player as well -- like the way it scrolls through the list of highlights to show where you are.
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