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We now have the slides from the Advanced Linux Game Programming session from Leszek Godlewski at GDC Europe (a spin-off of Gamescom).

Leszek Godlewski is the chap who ported Painkiller Hell & Damnation, as well as Deadfall Adventures before joining Nordic Games where he's now working on Darksiders.


Lots of information there folks packed into a 98 page presentation. It's really great to see more developers talk about Linux like this, and I hope as Linux gaming grows that there are more again.

It's always important to have as a reference to show to other game developers, and especially at a big gaming conference like this to keep Linux firmly placed into the minds of game developers. Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: Editorial
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Segata Sanshiro Aug 13, 2014
Is there a video of the whole presentation somewhere?
supermonkey77 Aug 13, 2014
I have to say I am a big fan of the work Leszek is doing and I recommend people follow him on twitter @TheIneQuation for an insight into a porting devs work.

I also stand outside his house stroking a peach under a hankey...mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Pinguino Aug 13, 2014
Me so clueless. Nordic man writes funny. Hope good games come.
DrMcCoy Aug 13, 2014
Oh, yes, that's a very nice write-up indeed. :)
sev Aug 13, 2014
Great to see some talks about this. Hopefully devs at the gaming companies see this.
MayeulC Aug 13, 2014
Does someone have the links p. 87 ? Some of these have been altered by slideshare :-/
DrMcCoy Aug 13, 2014
Quoting: MayeulCDoes someone have the links p. 87 ? Some of these have been altered by slideshare :-/


Personally, I hate SlideShare. Their viewer is crap, and they require an account to download the slides (and then they limit how many you can download, so discourage account sharing). I created a throw-away account for that reason some time ago.

And I took the liberty of uploading the Slides (OpenDocument presentation) here, now: https://drmccoy.de/zeugs/advancedlinuxgameprogramming-140812082348-phpapp02.odp
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