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Steam Now Has Over 600 Linux Games

By - | Views: 23,664
It only took around 2 months to do it, but Linux has gained another 100+ games on Steam. We mentioned on the 5th of June that Linux had hit 500 games, and to see us climbing this fast is amazing.


It looks like there is no stopping the Linux gaming train right now, and we can all agree things have never been better to be a Linux gamer.

It is just a number though, and a lot of the games won't be to many of your tastes. We still lack some bigger blockbuster games, but with things like Darksiders, Tropico 5, CS:GO, Homefront The Revolution, Project Cars and a ton more to come things are looking up.

Personally I still wait for CS:GO, so I can just sit back and mong out with Gun Game and a rum.

I imagine with the release of GOG on Linux, and GOG Galaxy to come that GOG will build their Linux game library up more quickly now too.

What has been your favourite release this year so far? Article taken from
Tags: Editorial, Steam
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Woodie Aug 3, 2014
I rly enjoyed games from Artifex Mundi, but ETS2 is awesome game to play after work and chill with a mug of beer. Anyway I'd like to see CS:GO on Linux also, cuz Im a huge fan of this game.
flesk 10 years Aug 3, 2014
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That's pretty awesome. :-)

QuoteWhat has been your favourite release this year so far?

It's hard to pick just one, but Full Bore, MouseCraft, You Have To Win The Game, The Fall, The Last Tinker and Broken Age have been among my favorites. Probably Full Bore if I was forced to make a choice.
DrMcCoy Aug 3, 2014
In terms of games already released on Windows, I'm still waiting for Tex Murphy: Tesla Effect and Divinity: Original Sin...

For non-released games, I'm actually quite psyched about Wasteland 2 right now. And the recent gameplay videos of Pillars of Eternity really got me excited as well.
DrMcCoy Aug 3, 2014
Oh, and favourite releases so far this year? Without much thought, that's what comes to my mind in terms of noteworthy things:

  • I really, really dig The Maker's Eden. I love the style, the story is interesting and I adore the music. I have a thing for Noir and Noir-ish Jazz. Just a bit sad that the first act is a bit short and that I'll have to wait for the next acts

  • Unrest was quite nice too, but different than I expected. The cliffhangerish end is difficult to stomach. And that you can't just easily fix the culture's problems is realistic and fits the story, is a bit of a downer. Still, I'm glad I played it; and there too I love the music

  • Shadowrun: Dragonfall was this year too, right? Awesome campaign, far better than Dead Man's Switch. Also, again, nice music

  • Heroes Rise: HeroFall was great too. Yeah, it's a bit pulpy, but in a charming way. Sadly, no music at all :P

keiki Aug 3, 2014
Civ 5 was my favorite. Yet I already played it on Windows on dual boot for some time.

But now it's two months time not starting Windows. I still have it installed just in case. But more and more I'm thinking about switching from NTFS to ext4 for my data partitions.
Beamboom Aug 3, 2014
My favourite this year is easy. Xcom: Enemy Unknown, without a shadow of doubt.
gemini Aug 3, 2014
My favourite this year so far is Civilization 5, a true AAA game which takes a lot of time before becoming boring, it´s also one of the best ports I´ve played, which is admirable by Aspyr.

I will probably change my mind though once Project cars is out, unless it´s a bad port or something else.
Segata Sanshiro Aug 3, 2014
I played XCOM and Civ long before their Linux releases, so wasn't terribly excited about their releases other than them being a great milestone for Linux. Same could be said about Deponia, but a bit more excited for that because it meant that some of their other games I haven't played may get ported. Eador would be a contender if it actually worked.

I think the ones I'm most looking forward to are coming out Autumn/Winter.
Xpander Aug 3, 2014
XCOM, Shadowrun (was it this year?) and FORCED.

waiting for Project Cars mostly and any of the upcoming Aspyr or Feral ports!
flesk 10 years Aug 3, 2014
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Quoting: DrMcCoyIn terms of games already released on Windows, I'm still waiting for Tex Murphy: Tesla Effect

I'm looking forward to that too, since I backed the Kickstarter. I think it read that it's an issue with the player used for the FMVs that's holding it back. I also backed Moebius, but I'm half dreading that one, since the reviews have been rather mixed, to put it mildly.

Quoting: Segata SanshiroSame could be said about Deponia, but a bit more excited for that because it meant that some of their other games I haven't played may get ported.

Me too and it feels like a big deal that the biggest developer making point and click games with Visionaire released their most popular franchise such a short time after the engine started supporting Linux, since it will hopefully lead to other games using Visionaire getting Linux versions.

Of upcoming Linux games, some of the games I'm most excited about right now are Broken Age, Act II, the remaining two parts of The Fall, Super Win The Game, A Hat in Time, The Journey Down, Chapter Two and the Grim Fandango remake (though I've played the original).
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