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The Witcher 3 For Linux Remains Officially Unconfirmed

By - | Views: 34,487

Despite the ad which briefly appeared on the Steam front page announcing that Witcher 3 is coming to SteamOS, we now received an official answer that it is not confirmed.

In the interview on Gamescom 2014 which consisted of questions collected from the Witcher community on CDPR forums, Environment Art & Level Design Producer Michał Stec of CD Projekt Red was asked whether Witcher 3 is coming to Linux and the answer was not very encouraging:

QuoteQ: Will Witcher 3 be coming to Linux?
A: It’s too early to say, we’re focusing on releasing it on PC, Xbox One and PS 4, same quality, same experience to all the players. We’ll see after that, Linux, Mac I guess it might be planned but I do not know about it yet.

Source (at 06:29 in the interview):

Unfortunately no reason was given for the SteamOS ad on Steam that caused a lot of confusion, and no details about whether any work on supporting OpenGL in REDengine has started so far.

The Witcher 3 is a highly anticipated action RPG developed by CD Projekt Red and scheduled to be released in February 2015. While the question about Linux support was raised many times, CD Projekt red never gave a definitive answer about their plans before, until the confusing SteamOS ad appeared on the front Steam page. It was removed within a day and many were left wondering whether it was legitimate or not. Neither Valve nor CD Projekt Red officially commented on that event, but it is clear that Linux users should not expect the Linux version at release time if they are to make any pre-orders now.

If you want to show your interest in the Linux version of the Witcher 3 you can add your vote to this entry in the GOG wishlist. Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: Action, Adventure, RPG
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omer666 Aug 18, 2014
Perhaps they are waiting to see how far can eON wrapper get performance-wise. And that would not be great at all.
Bloombery Aug 18, 2014
Dead island appeared at steam.
dude Aug 18, 2014
I hoped to hear something about their new engine and OpenGL compatibility, even if the TW3 Linux realease will be delayed. Nothing about that, so it sounds like almost no hope for a proper native game to me. Will CDPR be treating Linux again as a 2nd class platform? Seems so.

Also, I'm curious who is responsible for that banner..
Smashley Aug 18, 2014
well that is just disappointing. Still enjoying witcher 2 :)
minj Aug 18, 2014
QuoteIt’s too early to say, we’re focusing on releasing it on PC, Xbox One and PS 4, same quality, same experience to all the players. We’ll see after that, Linux, Mac I guess it might be planned but I do not know about it yet.

And the medal of contradiction goes to...
Orkultus Aug 18, 2014
I am just worried that they are going to make this engine all filled with DX crap, and then be like "oh we have no plans to make a Linux port"... always happens.
Metallinatus Aug 18, 2014
Oh, come on, then don't tease us -.-
Don't show an ad confirming Linux before you decide if it will happen or not....
FutureSuture Aug 18, 2014
With GOG taking ages to add Linux clients of games it sells that have Linux clients elsewhere, with the absolutely devastating launch of The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings on Linux, and now this as well, I am leaning more and more toward just buying the games I want on Steam. Steam may not be open source, it may offer DRM, but it is treating Linux like a first class citizen and has improved the Linux ecosystem tremendously. Steam on Linux is what started and is continuing to advance the movement to make Linux a capable operating system for gaming. Perhaps it is time I offered it the attention it deserves instead of hoping for GOG to meet demand with supply.
Hyeron Aug 18, 2014
Quoting: FutureSutureWith GOG taking ages to add Linux clients of games it sells that have Linux clients elsewhere, with the absolutely devastating launch of The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings on Linux, and now this as well, I am leaning more and more toward just buying the games I want on Steam. Steam may not be open source, it may offer DRM, but it is treating Linux like a first class citizen and has improved the Linux ecosystem tremendously. Steam on Linux is what started and is continuing to advance the movement to make Linux a capable operating system for gaming. Perhaps it is time I offered it the attention it deserves instead of hoping for GOG to meet demand with supply.
Yup. Much as they look like the white knights of PC gaming on the Windows side of things, as far as Linux is concerned they're just full of it.
I may not like my games being too closely linked to Steam, but at least it's unintrusive AND supportive. That's as much as we get to ask for the time being, it seems.
Spl-it Aug 18, 2014
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"PC, Xbox One and PS 4, same quality, same experience" somehow I lost interest in this game.

btw, am I the only one that gets the urge to slap a developer when they say PC when they mean windows ?
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