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The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing 1 Linux Port Is On Hold

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Some time ago we reported that The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing was getting a Linux port, and a little later a closed beta was already available. Unfortunately there has not been any updates from the developers and now we know that the port is on hold:

QuoteCurrently the development of the Linux version is in the background. We have a version as you could see that works, but due to our limited resources and many other things, now it's not the top priority. I'm sure that we will finish it, but currently I don't have any further news.

That was posted on their beta-test forum on 10 November 2014, and a Neocore Games representative has confirmed that this is still the case today. Let us hope they find the time and resources some time in the future. Article taken from
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abelthorne Jan 8, 2015
I was selected in the closed beta and I was indeed wondering why there hadn't been any new updates for a long time. Unfortunately, the last time I tried the game, there were a lot of nasty bugs that were quite problematic. I wouldn't really call it a version that works as it has game-breaking bugs (scripts not triggering and such), though it indeed runs and is in a playable state.

From what I had understood, the developer was on vacation at some point, which explained the lack of progress, but it rather looks like it's more a decision of the studio to hold the developement.
Feist Jan 8, 2015
Hope they get around to finishing it soon.

I played this title and was pleasantly surprised, while I generally don't care much for "Diablo-style" games, this one was quite entertaining. Much detail and character customization, a rather charming "Fantasy Transylvania" type of world and lots of funny tounge-in-cheek pop culture references.
leillo1975 Jan 8, 2015
It's a shame that the devs can't work in this port. I played this game in Window$ and It likes me a lot. I would be willing to buy as a gift to my brother who is also a Ubuntu user
EKRboi Jan 8, 2015
Well that sucks. Never good hearing things like this about any game. The odds of picking a project back up that was put "in the background" is probably not good. Would be such a waste of the time that already went into it. I probably would have bought it if it came out for Linux.
Maokei Jan 8, 2015
Hope fully torchlight 2 will be out instead soon.
adolson Jan 9, 2015
Argh... I was really looking forward to this but couldn't get anywhere in the beta due to the bugs. I hope they resume sooner than later.
mao_dze_dun Jan 10, 2015
Well, consider the Windows version is still not completely bug free, so I'm not quite shocked. I did in fact run into a bug that prevented me from completing the game, that was supposed to have been fixed an year before that. I did write to the devs and sent them the save file to fix it and they did get back to me, in all fairness, but I've yet to receive my fixed save game (I sent it months ago). It sucks because I intended to transfer my save to Van Helsing II once I finish the game, but definitely not wasting another 20 hours again just to hi the same roadblock. I know they are a little studio and their resources are thin but I stink a game breaking bug is just something that is unacceptable no matter the circumstances.

Edit: I retract my previous statement - it seems the bug has been fixed as I just popped into the game but complete accident (wrong double click) and everything seems perfect.
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