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Run And Gun Platformer NOT A HERO Released On Steam For Linux

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The cover-based run 'n' gun with a bizarre political plot has been released for Linux after four months on Steam. NOT A HERO has been developed by OlliOlli developer Roll7, and here's their launch trailer from May:

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NOT A HERO is a game about trying to win a mayoral election by cleaning up the city by force, and the story is told through briefings before missions and debriefs at the local milkshake parlor afterwards. There's quite a bit of silly humor in there, which makes for a nice change of pace when you've struggled through a difficult mission.

Like most cover-based shooters, just running and gunning will get you killed quickly, but since you can slide straight into cover and take-downs, the game still feels quite fast-paced. There are several different enemy types and tons of optional weapons that drop even early on, so there's a lot of room for experimentation. So far, I feel most comfortable with the starting hero Steve, since he reloads quickly and carries a gun with a 12 round magazine, but I'm also starting to like Samantha, since she can both shoot and reload while running. You get a performance rating after beating a level, depending on how many side goals you manage, and once your rating is high enough, you unlock a new hero with other qualities to freely choose from at the start of missions, up to a full roster of nine so-called campaign managers.

The game launches in windowed mode and there are no options for display settings, but Alt+Enter puts the game in fullscreen mode on my computer, so it's only a minor nuisance for me. Plugging in a gamepad instantly pops up a notification in the menu, and there's a convenient menu for remapping buttons. Keyboard controls can't be remapped, but I've found the defaults to work well enough.

This is a game I've been waiting eagerly for since the Windows release, and so far it's not disappointing. I only wish it didn't come on top of all the other great games that have been releasing recently, since it's making it really hard for me to choose between this game and those other games. If you're not too bogged down by the latest Humble Bundle, you'll find NOT A HERO on Steam.

About the game (Official)

Professional assassin turned amateur campaign manager Steve is charged with cleaning up the city by an anthropomorphic rabbit and mayoral candidate from the future named BunnyLord.

Now Steve and his expanding roster of dubious heroes must wield their unique skills to shoot, slide, dive and take cover behind a political platform built on ethics, accountability, and an inordinate amount of gunfire.

Eliminate the criminal underworld of the city’s three major districts and persuade undecided voters to your cause, tackling the issues that matter by putting a gun in the mouth of those issues.

Through the power of ISO-Slant™ technology and a wasted youth, London-based developer Roll7 (OlliOlli) delivers the greatest 2¼D cover-based indie shooter of all-time, ever.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
About the author -
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A big fan of platformers, puzzle games, point-and-click adventures and niche indie games.

I run the Hidden Linux Gems group on Steam, where we highlight good indie games for Linux that we feel deserve more attention.
See more from me
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ChiKin Oct 1, 2015
Broforce is also planning a Linux release. I am looking at the two games and not sure which one will be more fun. Choices choices.
PublicNuisance Oct 1, 2015
I really enjoyed the Windows demo to Not A Hero and have been waiting for the Linux release. I hope GOG gets the Linux version soon.
ProfessorKaos64 Oct 4, 2015
The delivery of that trailer was so spot on. I laughed so hard.
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