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Sang-Froid Developer Artifice Studios has released their outlandish space RTS 'Conflicks: Revolutionary Space Battles' on Steam, and a multiplayer demo is also available for Linux. A new gameplay trailer was released a few weeks ago, giving a glimpse of how the space battle works.

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In this game, movement is handled by flicking your spaceships through space, and it's similar to how you typically play games like shufflepuck or pool. You control force and direction by clicking and dragging behind the spaceship you want to control, and bumping into other spaceships will send them flying. This can be used strategically to either send your enemies flying into environmental hazards like interstellar clouds or the atmosphere of a planet, causing them to crash and explode. Since every action in this game has a cooldown period and cost, including movement, you can also use this effect to push your other spaceships into range of an attack or to move them out of harm's way if they can't currently move.

The tutorial and multiplayer demo lets you play as one of the four factions of the full game; Greater Britain. This faction has a good mix of spaceships to use in battle, with everything from the small and nimble Patrol and Torpedo Ships, to larger ships like the Destroyer and the massive Flagship, which is used to construct new spaceships but also deals a great deal of damage in combat. The Henship is used for "chickaforming" a planet so that you can deploy your own chickens to be able to produce the valuable resource metamatter from egg yolk. Metamatter is needed to pay for both actions and new spaceships and will also drop when a spaceship is destroyed.

Maps also contain strategically placed wormholes, which will let you jump quickly to another part of the map, as well as other elements that can be used to your advantage once you get the hang of them. Selecting a unit will display a stat card in the bottom right corner of the screen for a quick and handy overview. You also have an assistant, who will provide some advice on which strategic actions to take, but who will also take stabs at your lack of skill in combat if things aren't going well.

You can buy Conflicks: Revolutionary Space Battles on Steam, where it's 25% off until next weekend, or just download the demo for a try before you decide.

About the game (from Steam)

Spaceships, lasers, and... chickens! What more could you ask for?

Conflicks: Revolutionary Space Battles is a creative new take on space-themed videogames that merges the deep, thoughtful gameplay of strategy games with the intuitive accessibility of physics-based games.

The game universe is a futuristic alternate history of the European Renaissance that combines elements from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries with science fiction and an oddball sense of humor into a stylized, absurdist world that never takes itself too seriously. Conflicks can be played in a single-player campaign mode where missions are linked together by a story, as well as in competitive battles (against other players or AI).

Pledge your allegiance to Greater-Britain, the Celestial Empire, the Sacred Alliance or the Sublime Gate and harvest metamatter in the name of your emperor, or join the Chk’Rathii and lead the Revolution against those poultry-hoarding galactic despots!

Main Features
  • Original game mechanics based on the principle of flicking. Easy to learn, hard to master!
  • Play 4 different factions with dozens of ships, each with its own unique powers!
  • Play solo and immerse yourself in an epic campaign unveiling a rich and captivating story!
  • Show your panache and compete against the best admirals of the galaxy in Competitive Battles (against other players or an AI) complete with leaderboards!
  • Upgrade your ships’ special powers by accumulating Steam Achievements!

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A big fan of platformers, puzzle games, point-and-click adventures and niche indie games.

I run the Hidden Linux Gems group on Steam, where we highlight good indie games for Linux that we feel deserve more attention.
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ElectricPrism Nov 15, 2015
They need a new Genre because this doesn't meet my concept of what a RTS is.
lucifertdark Nov 15, 2015
It looks like the developers have taken the best bits of Gratuitous Space Battles & S.P.A.Z mixed them together & added chickens, sounds totally mad but fun. :D
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