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Story-Driven Noir Adventure 'Knee Deep' Has A New Act And Full Voice Over

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Act 2 of "swamp noir" adventure game Knee Deep was released last week, and came with voice acting for both acts. Its inspiration from theathers is apparent not only in the separation into acts, but also the moving set pieces and stage light-esque use of lighting. The result is a very unique style that I personally dig, and it's not unlike the popular Kentucky Route Zero.

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After receiving a key from the developer, I decided to check it out for myself, though it took me a while to get around to it. Part of the reason it took me so long was that I simply forgot about it, but I also have a hard time getting into games where choice is a central part of the gameplay. That's nothing against this game though, since I've also struggled to get into fan favorite Dreamfall Chapters for the exact same reason.

I know many really enjoy these games though, and I like what I've seen of it so far. The atmosphere and use of colors is what's grabbed me the most about this game, and it sort of reminds me of a David Lynch/Neil Gaiman graphic novel crossover, if that makes sense. I'm not as sold on the character models though, and I would probably have preferred a simpler, more stylized look. The game is controlled by selecting between locations to travel to, dialogue options and news reporting where you choose what kind of spin to make on the stories you report. I'm not yet sure how any of these affect the outcome, but I'm sure it will make more sense when I've put more time into the game.

Have you had a chance to check out this game yet? If not, you can buy the season ticket from Steam or DRM free from the Humble Store.

About the game (Official)

Knee Deep unfolds in the backwater Florida town of Cypress Knee. A washed-up Hollywood actor is found hanging from the iconic tower at the center of Chief Roadside’s Wonderland, a tacky resort that is more of an affront to Native Americans than tourist attraction. You investigate this mysterious suicide through the eyes of three distinct characters: cheeky blogger Romana Teague, beleaguered local newspaper reporter Jack Bellet, and cynical private investigator K.C. Gaddis.

Knee Deep is about characters, nuanced storytelling, and the melodrama of swampland Florida.

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A big fan of platformers, puzzle games, point-and-click adventures and niche indie games.

I run the Hidden Linux Gems group on Steam, where we highlight good indie games for Linux that we feel deserve more attention.
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tuubi Nov 10, 2015
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Quoting: flesk... but I also have a hard time getting into games where choice is a central part of the gameplay.
Glad I'm not the only one. But seeing as this is usually listed as a feature and a selling point, I guess we might be in the minority.
tuubi Nov 10, 2015
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Quoting: GuestI don’t understand what you mean about choice. All games are about choices. If there is no choice then it’s just a story/screensaver.
There are many great games where there might be plenty of choice in the way you solve puzzles or advance the story, but the core of the story isn't affected to the point where you need multiple replays to experience it all. Whether you see this as a pro or a con is up to you.

Last edited by tuubi on 10 November 2015 at 5:03 pm UTC
tuubi Nov 11, 2015
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Quoting: GuestAre you trying to say that this game has a branching story?
I'm not trying to say anything about this game really. All I know about it is what I've read here on GOL. But I don't see how choice could be a "central part of gameplay" if it didn't significantly affect the story.
STiAT Nov 11, 2015
THAT looks like a game for me. Bought :D.
PublicNuisance Nov 11, 2015
I've been eying this for a while. I'm going to bite soon. I regret not getting the season pass when it was $9.99.
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