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A brief look at Majotori, a trivia game with something of a story

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It’s not everyday you see witches and trivia being mixed up and affecting story outcomes. Majotori is a slight departure from most indie offerings and challenges players on their knowledge of video games, anime and more.

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I gave the game a quick spin and found that it was pretty much faithful to the trivia aspect. Gameplay consists of answering sundry types of questions ranging from film and music to anime and video games. In short, it’s casual popular nerd culture. You can set the frequency of questions from a category in the options menu to suit your knowledge levels too as well as switch between English and Spanish. You’re asked a series of questions for each scenario presented and at the end and, depending on how many wrong you get, the scenario plays out in one way or the other. Extra characters and scenarios can also be unlocked, so there’s more content than one might initially suspect.

The art style and music is cutesy in its own simple way and I think does a pretty alright job of framing the actual trivia-based gameplay. The characters and simple stories are engaging enough that failing or succeeding makes me want to see the alternative outcome regardless. Trivia nerds or casual players looking for a quick and uncomplicated game might enjoy Majotori.

Official About
Majotori is a collection of tales with which you interact by playing trivia. A witch appears to different characters after they make a wish and offers to make it come true if they play a game of trivia with her. Majotori's Carefully Crafted Selection of Questions includes all kind of subjects but focuses on video games, cinema and animation.

You can grab the game for free, or at whatever price you wish to pay, on itch. Additionally, they’re currently trying to get the game on Steam via Greenlight. Article taken from
About the author -
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History, sci-fi, technology, cooking, writing and playing games are things I enjoy very much. I'm always keen to try different genres of games and discover all the gems out there.

Oh and the name doesn't mean anything but coincidentally could be pronounced as "Buttery" which suits me just fine.
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