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Beat Cop, the retro pixel art adventure game has a new trailer

By - | Views: 6,270
Beat Cop is a rather interesting looking 80s inspired pixel art adventure game due out later this year, and it finally has a fresh trailer.

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I have to say, it actually looks like it could be pretty interesting now we are able to see some proper gameplay from it. What do you think?

You can pre-order it at GamesRepublic for £11.99 (not an affiliate link this time). 11 bit Studios are the publisher of Beat Cop, so it's a good place to order it from.

About the game
Explore its darkest corners and uncover its secrets as Jack Kelly, a former detective who has been framed for a murder. Degraded and forgotten by old pals, it’s your last chance to find the truth behind this whole terrible mess.

The thing is, your new boss treats you like shit, your wife is a money sucking spawn from hell and the local mafia wants your head on a plate. I guess you could say, that things are complicated down here, in the middle of Brooklyn. Oh, and don’t forget about writing tickets. You’re a Beat Cop after all.

Beat Cop is a retro, pixel art style adventure & time-management game set in New York, inspired by 80’s cop shows and movies. Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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badber Jul 25, 2016
I like the style of the trailer but still not getting a very clear picture of what the gameplay will consist of. Seems interesting at least with all the different situations you run into.
hardpenguin Jul 25, 2016
This is the game I am waiting for! Another one is This Is The Police, releasing this week! I like police stories :)
Yaumeister Jul 25, 2016
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Watched some of the pre alpha game play footage on YouTube, and this looks pretty promising.
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