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Just a heads up, Saints Row: The Third on Linux has broken co-op play

By - | Views: 18,955
The Saints Row: The Third [Steam] port from Virtual Programming looks like it could use some love, it seems the co-op play on Linux has been broken since release.

It’s fantastic to see such games being ported, but it’s a massive shame when such big features just don’t work.

I decided to check up on it myself and sure enough, it’s completely broken. No matter what you try, it seems it will not work.

I checked up on it, and there had been a bug report open without reply from VP since April 2016. That was until yesterday when there was a bit of back of forth between myself and my VP contacts, and they have now given this answer:
QuoteHi. Apologies that there has been no reply to this thread.
We are currently extremely busy with project deadlines, however this issue has been noted and will be addressed in a subsequent release. Thank you.

They have since changed the github for it from being a place to report bugs, to a place for "open discussion and problem solving". And request people to report issues to them directly. It seems they have now done this for all their github trackers, so they are no longer for public bug reports. This is more in line with what other developers do (private bug reports).

If you’re after a bit of fun in co-op on Linux, right now this game will not be it. I really do hope they go back to their previous ports and polish them up some more, they all seems to have an array of different issues left open for months on end with no solutions. Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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darkszluf Sep 30, 2016
oh ok then i wasn't the only one, my connections sucks so i just blamed this on it :D
neowiz73 Sep 30, 2016
that is a bummer, because out of all the games Saint's Row games SR3 was the most fun to me when I was able to play co-op. Hopefully co-op works for the other Saint's Row games. especially SR4, since it is essentially SR3 but with a huge game mod.
Since you gain Matrix like powers in SR4 it kind of kills some of the fun of having to use vehicles, which was were a lot of laughs were had in SR3. nothing like accidentally ejecting from an aircraft as the pilot while you leave your friend in passenger seat, flying at supersonic speeds.

Last edited by neowiz73 on 30 September 2016 at 10:21 am UTC
MayeulC Sep 30, 2016
Quoting: neowiz73nothing like accidentally ejecting from an aircraft as the pilot while you leave your friend in passenger seat, flying at supersonic speeds.
This gave me a good chuckle at work, I almost laughed out loud. Are you happy?
Zelox Sep 30, 2016
When I played this on windows, when was released, its co-op was broken aswell, I think it still is not working 100% correct. Sync issues was a big problem I recalled, and it accured more often when u where in a car.

But a total crash is a bit more brutal I must say.
Marky Sep 30, 2016
Liam, could you elaborate on what's broken with the co-op? I've been playing Saint's Row 3 co-op with a friend who uses windows. Aside from some random crashes and our radio's not being synchronised, it's been pretty flawless for me on Ubuntu.
TheinsanegamerN Sep 30, 2016
Finally somebody has said something about this. My friend and I spent a couple days trying everything to get coop to work. It was a huge pain that NOBODY reported on coop being broken. Maybe now this issue will actually be fixed.

Although I will say, I was very dissapointed that the port report back in april didnt touch on coop at all.
Quoting: MarkyLiam, could you elaborate on what's broken with the co-op? I've been playing Saint's Row 3 co-op with a friend who uses windows. Aside from some random crashes and our radio's not being synchronised, it's been pretty flawless for me on Ubuntu.
for most people, the game hard crashes as soon as you try to load into a multiplayer game. do not press go. do not collect $200. If you try to host coop, the same thing happens.

Last edited by TheinsanegamerN on 30 September 2016 at 12:57 pm UTC
aldy Sep 30, 2016
It's not just the co-op, the game itself has a lot of problems. I managed to finish at 100% all the story and secondary missions, but i had to replay a lot because the crashes. The worst are the DLC missions, I still keep trying to finish gansta from space but it crashes every time. I hope they will fix this.

PS: I can confirm that the Co-op from SR4 works great

Last edited by aldy on 30 September 2016 at 1:06 pm UTC
Lakorta Sep 30, 2016
Quoting: neowiz73Hopefully co-op works for the other Saint's Row games. especially SR4, since it is essentially SR3 but with a huge game mod.
SR4 should work. Haven't played for quite some time but I did finish the whole story in coop with a Windows user :)
Nanobang Sep 30, 2016
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QuoteWe are currently extremely busy with project deadlines, however this issue has been noted and will be addressed in a subsequent release.

Do they seriously expect anybody to accept that they are so busy meeting "project deadlines" that it is utterly beyond their ability to even acknowledge customer complaints about their product's broken features? That is so patently false it's insulting. Still, it would seem to be that the only other alternative to such a flimsy lie would be that they simply chose to ignore their customer's bug report,

I accept bugs, but I also expect timely patches. As promises are made with words but are only kept with actions, so assurances are only as good as the word of the assurers. There is little credence in the word of someone who has neglected a customer complaint about a game's missing feature for almost half a year. Telling me that the "issue ... will be addressed in a subsequent release" bears little credence, especially when, according to Steam, there have been no updates or releases since the first one six months ago.

Last edited by Nanobang on 30 September 2016 at 1:35 pm UTC
adamhm Sep 30, 2016
Perhaps you could also give Deep Silver a poke about the missing Linux versions of the Saints Row games on GOG (and while we're at it, the Metro Redux series)? I've tried emailing & sending letters to them (and Volition) myself to no avail, but maybe they'll be more likely to listen & reply to you.

It really irks me when games that are on GOG get Linux releases but the Linux versions get withheld from GOG... it sucks having to choose between a DRM-free version for a restrictive & DRM'ed OS (and a -Linux +Windows sale :/) vs a DRM'ed version for an open & free OS. As a result I usually pick neither, or wait for *really* deep discounts.
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