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Marek sent in a patch for RadeonSI that will look to increase performance of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided [Steam, Feral Store] by around 70%.

That's incredible, seriously, that's an insanely large improvement for such a heavy game to get. Perhaps once this lands in a stable Mesa version, if it's good enough Feral might be able to officially support the game on AMD.

Marek said:

These patches optimize our SDMA usage and implement buffer clearing.
They also turn SDMA IBs into de-facto preambles of GFX IB, because any
clear that is also the first buffer use is pushed

It improves DeusEx:MD performance by 70% and the slow ClearBuffer
implementation was the main problem. Using SDMA instead of slow CP DMA
restored performance, though we might also consider using a compute
shader instead of SDMA, because the compute shader can always be
asynchronous to graphics in this case (SDMA isn't asynchronous due
to the IB dependency).



Sounds like he knows a better way to do it too, so it could improve further in future using a compute shader.

Marek is the same developer who has done multiple other performance improvements in the past, so it's pleasing to see they are still at it.

A pretty nice way to start 2017! I'm excited to think how far Mesa will go this year.

I imagine 2017 will be full of patches like this as Mesa is likely full of performance issues that can be fixed up. The Mesa developers pushed through towards OpenGL 4.5 quite quickly, so there's probably a lot of room for improvement. Having heavy games like Deus Ex: Mankind Divided on Linux provides good performance test cases. Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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STiAT Jan 3, 2017
Kudos for AMD having/paying developers pushing their mesa drivers for gamers. That's really a very nice and huge investment they do towards us linux gamers.

I hope there will be the state where I will be able to consider a AMD CPU a safe and good buy. I've got an AMD CPU now anyway on my new gaming system :p.

Maybe I get a mid-class AMD card for testing though...

Last edited by STiAT on 3 January 2017 at 10:14 am UTC
ziabice Jan 3, 2017
That's amazing, but no one showed a real world test of the patches. I'm waiting for the usual http://www.gearsongallium.com/ video to consider this a real advancement.
Anyway I hope these patches will go into the next Mesa 13.1 ;)

Last edited by ziabice on 3 January 2017 at 11:22 am UTC
niarbeht Jan 3, 2017
Quoting: STiATKudos for AMD having/paying developers pushing their mesa drivers for gamers. That's really a very nice and huge investment they do towards us linux gamers.

I hope there will be the state where I will be able to consider a AMD CPU a safe and good buy. I've got an AMD CPU now anyway on my new gaming system :p.

Maybe I get a mid-class AMD card for testing though...

I tested my RX 480 in Linux recently, and even on Mesa 13.0, it was pretty decent. Definitely had some problems still, but it's definitely getting there, and fast.
FireBurn Jan 3, 2017
Quoting: ziabiceThat's amazing, but no one showed a real world test of the patches. I'm waiting for the usual http://www.gearsongallium.com/ video to consider this a real advancement.
Anyway I hope these patches will go into the next Mesa 13.1 ;)

I don't think Mesa 13.1 / 17.0 has been branched yet, so it should be in the upcoming release
finaldest Jan 3, 2017
This is great news.

Despite owning a 4770k CPU with GTX 1070, I really want to buy both Ryzen and Vega to help AMD compete so will be keeping an eye on developments over the coming months.

AMD drivers was the only reason I didnt get a RX480 so a 70% performance increase in DeusEx is superb news as I want to play this game in 4k but only get 20 fps on my gtx 1070 so have decided not to play the game at this time.
Guest Jan 3, 2017
Marek, The hero we need :D
pete910 Jan 3, 2017
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Good news indeed!

Oh look, that word Nvidia don't like "asynchronous"
natewardawg Jan 3, 2017
I'm happy for the Mesa developers, like Marek, who now have a good reason to make these sweeping improvements, and also something to test the changes with.
crt0mega Jan 3, 2017
Joeyboots80 Jan 3, 2017
I only use AMD hardware and open source drivers. This is great news for me! I am definitely going to buy this game now. Thanks for the heads up Liam! :)
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