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Update: After speaking to the developer, they identified the issue. If you have the same problem, set lighting to 0 and restart the game.

Geneshift [Steam] is a game that's eight years in the making and it's still not finished! Today it launched into Early Access on Steam to get the final bits done and ready for a big release.

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On my first attempt to play the game, hitting start on the campaign ended up sending me right back to the desktop. So I did not get off to a good start at all. I tried again, same result. This is repeatable every time.

Sadly, the online multiplayer right now seems broken for me as well. Clicking Multiplayer makes the game instantly freeze, with no option but to kill it. This is repeatable also for me, every single time.

Safe to say I was not at all impressed. The demo was really great, so It's really weird. I will hopefully have some actual thoughts up on it, when it works.

I've emailed the developer to let them know. Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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razing32 May 23, 2017
I remember this one when you first covered it.
Brought back memories of GTA2 , I recall the dev even posted on the article and confirmed it was an inspiration.

Sad the full product is broken - but hey Early Access ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
hardpenguin May 23, 2017
QuoteOn my first attempt to play the game, hitting start on the campaign ended up sending me right back to the desktop. So I did not get off to a good start at all. I tried again, same result. This is repeatable every time.

Sadly, the online multiplayer right now seems broken for me as well. Clicking Multiplayer makes the game instantly freeze, with no option but to kill it. This is repeatable also for me, every single time.
Works alright to me. I blame Arch Linux or whatever you use :D
bencelot May 23, 2017
Hey man, I'm sorry to hear that! Especially as the demo worked. They're the same files and everything. I got your email and responded, and will check the logs when you reply to fix this ASAP!
Alm888 May 24, 2017
"…released into Early Access…" :) How low have we fallen…

IMO, the game is either gets a "release", or "paid alpha-test" (AKA "Early Access").

Last edited by Alm888 on 24 May 2017 at 4:20 am UTC
Liam Dawe May 24, 2017
Update: After speaking to the developer, they identified the issue. If you have the same problem, set lighting to 0 and restart the game.

Quoting: Alm888"…released into Early Access…" :) How low have we fallen…

IMO, the game is either gets a "release", or "paid alpha-test" (AKA "Early Access").
We've been over this before, a release is a release. An Early Access version is still a release, not a full/gold release, but still a release itself.
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