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It's now confirmed that Micro Machines World Series [Steam, Deliver2] is coming to Linux and Virtual Programming are behind the port this time.

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It's not a big surprise, since VP did the port of DiRT Showdown (another Codemasters title) which turned out to be a fantastic port.

Virtual Programming teased this fact out earlier today on Twitter and they have now officially announced it themselves in another tweet:

#MicroMachines World Series is coming to #Mac & #Linux on the 23rd June!
Pre-Order now from and get 10% off!

— Virtual Programming (@virtualprog) June 1, 2017

The release date is a bit confusing, since their tweet says the 23rd, but Steam and their own store Deliver2 say the 20th. I'm waiting to hear back on what date is correct. We will just have to wait and see which one turns out to be correct, as release dates do sometimes change.

I couldn't be more excited and it's really pleasing to see VP get their hands dirty on another really exciting game. VP ports are generally pretty good (Bioshock Infinite was fantastic, one of my favourite ports by any company) and I'm pleased to see them becoming a player in the porting market for more titles!

The good news is that it will support NVIDIA and AMD. AMD cards required Mesa 17.0.2 or later, while NVIDIA will require the 375 series according to the official specifications.

I reached out to Codemasters by email when we initially found out last month for review keys, but they haven't replied. I'm hoping we will be able to cover it properly at release!

If I do manage to get a key, I will likely do a release day livestream on our Twitch channel.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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const Jun 1, 2017
Wasn't there some other Top-Down Racer confirmed recently? Sadly, I'm really bad with this kind of games :(
Liam Dawe Jun 1, 2017
Update on the release date: The release date is a bit confusing, since their tweet says the 23rd, but Steam and their own store Deliver2 say the 20th. I'm waiting to hear back on what date is correct.
natewardawg Jun 1, 2017
Awesome news!

I bought the Witcher 2 back when it first came out on Linux and the performance was pretty dreadful so I stopped playing it. I started playing it again just last night and it has improved sooo much to the point that I don't notice any issues. I've played most of the other VP ports as well (Spec Ops, DiRT Showdown, Saints Row IV, etc) and they have gotten their eOn technology to work super well. Until I went and looked just now, I completely forgot they ported the Saints Row games even though I played SR IV for about 35 hours. It seems like it's been a while since we got any big news from VP, so I'm happy these guys are still making ports for Linux! :)
natewardawg Jun 1, 2017
It looks like they're porting a silly game called Frog Climbers too :)
heidi.wenger Jun 1, 2017
This is what i been waiting for as me and my friends played Micro Machines V4 in the past. A proper Linux port!
dubigrasu Jun 1, 2017
Very happy to hear this. Not because of the game itself, but because this means that VP is still in business.
Say what you want about VP's tech, but we got some awesome games because of them.
bradgy Jun 1, 2017
Yay! I was hoping to see Toybox Turbos at some stage because I have a bit of a thing for colourful, arcade racing games (Re-Volt is one of my all time favourites), but to have an actual Micro Machines game native on Linux is fantastic.
m2mg2 Jun 1, 2017
Quoting: natewardawgAwesome news!

I bought the Witcher 2 back when it first came out on Linux and the performance was pretty dreadful so I stopped playing it. I started playing it again just last night and it has improved sooo much to the point that I don't notice any issues. I've played most of the other VP ports as well (Spec Ops, DiRT Showdown, Saints Row IV, etc) and they have gotten their eOn technology to work super well. Until I went and looked just now, I completely forgot they ported the Saints Row games even though I played SR IV for about 35 hours. It seems like it's been a while since we got any big news from VP, so I'm happy these guys are still making ports for Linux! :)

They have also done Overlord I and II, Arma: Cold War Assault and Putty Squad recently. They did have a little bit of a lull after Overlord but they are definitely still getting ports out. It seemed like they were just doing small titles recently so I take this game as a good sign. Hopefully they have some other big name games in the works that they are just being quite about.
Xicronic Jun 1, 2017
VP also recently reworked their ticket system. Hopefully they are stepping up their game, They have done valuable work and I would like to see them do more.
pete910 Jun 1, 2017
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Should "VP" and "port" be in the same sentence ?

Would "VP is doing the wine wrapper for .... " be more apt :P
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