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Arma 3 1.76 for Linux is planned, work on it to start "soon"

By - | Views: 29,836

Bohemia Interactive have announced in their latest "SITREP" that the Linux version of Arma 3 will be updated to the latest version of 1.76, work is set to start on it "soon".

Here's what they said:

There was a major update to Arma 3's experimental Mac/Linux ports last week. This brings it to the 1.70 game version, which means it now supports the 64-bit game executables and adds the Jets DLC content along with its platform improvements and additions. The Mac version now also supports Metal. In cooperation with our external partners at Virtual Programming, we plan to start working on updating these experimental ports to the current main branch release (1.76) soon™.

I was really impressed with the latest Arma 3 update for the experimental Linux version. It fixed all the issues I had with it, so it's properly playable for me now.

It's really pleasing to know that the Linux version is going to continue to get updates, it sounds like it might be a quicker turnaround than last time too. One can hope anyway!

What's the deal with it being "experimental" anyway?

Well, it has certain limitations like the limited update cycle. Updates come in slower, as it seems
Bohemia Interactive finish it and release for Windows, then get Virtual Programming to port after the fact.

It's also missing a launcher, there's no RotorLib for the Advanced Flight Model and a few other points. Hopefully these points will get sorted in future. See the status here.

Thanks for the tip Cracker!

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Nyarlathotep Sep 20, 2017
Very nice, can't wait for it.
scaine Sep 20, 2017
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Would love to buy/play this, but I'll only show support with my wallet when I see support for the game. It sounds like I might be buying it one day though! I can hope.
Liam Dawe Sep 20, 2017
Quoting: scaineWould love to buy/play this, but I'll only show support with my wallet when I see support for the game. It sounds like I might be buying it one day though! I can hope.
Well, it's not that it's not supported. They are still working on it, including updating it to a later version (and there's no indication that it will stop).

I get what you mean though, last thing you want is to spend out on something that might eventually not hit parity with the Windows version.
charliebrownau Sep 20, 2017
I love Arma , its great in coop but its always ran like a pig

It always seemed not to take advantage of my CPU
(Intel E3-1230v3 3.3hz that is about the same performance as i7 4770)

Maybe they would setup VULKAN and proper multi core/thread support....

At least they didnt ruin the game with porting it to consoles
nadrolinux Sep 20, 2017
Great! Maybe we will see Vulkan support in some next release too, however it's much more important to me to have the same version as on Windows, because it will allow us to play with Windows gamers.
Furor Sep 20, 2017
Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: scaineWould love to buy/play this, but I'll only show support with my wallet when I see support for the game. It sounds like I might be buying it one day though! I can hope.
Well, it's not that it's not supported. They are still working on it, including updating it to a later version (and there's no indication that it will stop).

I get what you mean though, last thing you want is to spend out on something that might eventually not hit parity with the Windows version.

Parity is the key, without that I couldn't play with my friends, meanwhile I am finishing the main campaign but I bought it with hopes of cross-platform multiplayer where it is 99% of the fun in Arma.
gojul Sep 20, 2017
Runs great for me and well enough as I am not interested in multiplayer.

A bit of lag from time to time but very few.
edo Sep 20, 2017
If the mac version is using metal then they can now switch to any opengl version as the please for the linux version.
sabbir2world Sep 20, 2017
That's exciting, Thanks!
freerunnerlive Sep 20, 2017
I play 1.64 a half year! 1.70 is good and i will play it a long time. mod support is much better like german bwmod.
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