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The Last Time - a big story told with big pixels

By - | Views: 5,589

The Last Time is a short but good point and click adventure written by a single developer.

You're starting in the seventies, when the protagonist was police officer. He and his colleague are called to the scene of a burglary, where thing go awry. Forty years later, the former policeman lives in a retirement home, when suddenly, his past is catching up with him...

The usual point and click interface is simplified here. You don't have an inventory to look into. When you're carrying something, it's proposed for interaction when appropriate. But the puzzles are not the central point of the game. It's the people, their choices, their fates. Some of the player's choices will make big differences.

To call the graphics "pixel art" would be overstated. They're blocky. As many Unity games do, it's giving you graphics options at the beginning, but besides the resolution, the only quality option you get is "Big Pixel". Some people have issues with Unity games. I cannot say more than I didn't have any with this game.

The game ends after about 90 minutes, showing the consequences of your last choice. I do this very rarely, but I had to give it a second play to see what different results somes choices do (or sometimes don't) have. The Last Time is on Steam (not available on GOG) for not too many bucks.

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hardpenguin Jan 28, 2018
This game is a hidden gem that I thoroughly enjoyed from beginning to the end. This is what people mean when they say that games are art, especially those made by independent artists :)
hatniX Jan 29, 2018
The game is also available DRM-free on Itch (
razing32 Feb 1, 2018
I actually have this on Steam already.
Thanks for reminding me it exists :)
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