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9 Monkeys of Shaolin [Steam, Official Site] is a new beat 'em up from Sobaka Studio and Buka Entertainment where you take control of a simple Chinese fisherman who is out to avenge the death of his friends and family.

If there's one thing I can never get enough of, it's beat 'em ups. Not the retro-inspired kind mind you, while I do enjoy them too there's already a lot of them. What we don't have on Linux, is a enough modern-styled beat 'em ups. Thankfully 9 Monkeys of Shaolin looks the part and it's confirmed to be coming to Linux later this year in "The Fall" (nothing more specific was given).

Check out the trailer:

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It looks good visually, the action actually looks like a lot of fun and there's going to be three different fighting styles. There's also some character development, as you progress you will unlock perks, items and fighting styles.

Full of content too, with 25 assorted Chinese and Japanese polearms, each with its own traits spread across 25 levels with different backdrops and smashables.

Excited? I am, looks slick! The publisher told us we're on their press list now too, so we should get a chance to review it when it's time.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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RTheren Mar 22, 2018
WOW! Looking forward for this one
tuubi Mar 22, 2018
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The last proper beat-em-up I put any serious time in might have been Motörhead on the Amiga, sometime in the early nineties. Maybe it's time to give the genre another chance? Judging by the trailer, this game could be hard to resist. Hopefully it turns out as good as it looks.
yar4e Mar 22, 2018
Looks promising!
P.S. Word "Sobaka" is transliteration of word "Dog" in Russian language :)
Nanobang Mar 22, 2018
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Three cheers for the third dimension! Seriously, though; the graphics are smooth and stylish, and combat looks brutal. It's on the wishlist!
razing32 Mar 22, 2018
Looks from the trailer it might have co-op ? There was a monk in a orange robe fighting alongside the protagonist in a few shots.
Looks very sleek and stylish. On my wishlist! ^_^
nattydread Mar 22, 2018
I love it! I will buy this.
iiari Mar 23, 2018
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Impressive! Looking forward to this one...
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