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SpaceBourne might see a Linux version, according to demand after release

By - | Views: 11,672

SpaceBourne [Official Site] will be an open space exploration game with RPG elements, as the description on Steam states. It should release for Windows later this month.

It's based on the Unreal Engine 4, and as we know with Everspace and RUINER, Linux versions that are looking gorgeous and have great performance are doable, even though not straight forward to create.

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Asking if they would also release a Linux version, the developer replied with:

Right now, I'm unable to bring the game to Linux. But according to demand after release I might push it.:)

If you would be interested to see a native Linux version of SpaceBourne to explore space, add the game to your Linux specific wishlist and/or let them know in the steam community forum.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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Nanobang Aug 8, 2018
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[insert Jason Bourne joke here]
Arehandoro Aug 8, 2018
Quoting: Nanobang[insert Jason Bourne joke here]

I was Bourne ready for this joke.

Edit: Exploration, space battle, RPG... Oh boy, if the devs do manage to bring it to Linux I promise to get it on Day 1!*

* As long as I am aware of the release on Day 1, I'm not on holidays, or the hospital, etc xD

Edit 2: I wish it had combat out of the spacecraft too though.

Last edited by Arehandoro on 8 August 2018 at 12:42 pm UTC
Ehvis Aug 8, 2018
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Looks pretty good! Not quite the fancy graphics of Star Citizen, but this one might actually release. :D I'll keep my eye out for a Linux build.
seven Aug 8, 2018
looks great!!
melkemind Aug 8, 2018
It would be nice if these companies that want to see "demand" would actually do market research rather than just waiting to see how many people post on an isolated forum thread that many users may never even see.
14 Aug 9, 2018
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Looks pretty cool to me.
Corben Aug 9, 2018
Quoting: Patola
Quoting: melkemindIt would be nice if these companies that want to see "demand" would actually do market research rather than just waiting to see how many people post on an isolated forum thread that many users may never even see.
It incurs additional cost. So the best way to start considering even if the market research for a port would be appropriate is a scenario with no cost that could supposedly could give a good enough approximation of the results.
Yeah, though DBK Games literally is a company, it's an indie studio with just a few employees.

Also as an update, the dev is going to try to create a Linux version before release:

QuoteThank you all for your interest : ) Before relese i will work on a Linux build. But i have to say; I have never build a game for Linux before but i will try to do my best :)
Would be pretty cool if that works out well.
Tiedemann Aug 9, 2018
Wake me up when there's a Linux release and I'll buy a copy or two.
ObsidianBlk Aug 9, 2018
Quoting: Patola
Quoting: melkemindIt would be nice if these companies that want to see "demand" would actually do market research rather than just waiting to see how many people post on an isolated forum thread that many users may never even see.
It incurs additional cost. So the best way to start considering even if the market research for a port would be appropriate is a scenario with no cost that could supposedly could give a good enough approximation of the results.

Counter point to that, though, is if they wait until after release to bother with even looking into a Linux version, then the Linux release would be, at best, months out. This would loose them initial-release sales (seeing as most game distributions are rather unwilling to announce platform releases, only initial ones), as well as risk anyone interested in the game forgetting it even exists.
iiari Aug 9, 2018
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Posted on Steam and wishlisted. Looks great!
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