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DELTARUNE, the successor to UNDERTALE, unofficially ported to Linux

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The surprise successor to the highly praised indie RPG adventure game UNDERTALE called DELTARUNE has been unofficially ported to Linux by a fan through clever hacks.

DELTARUNE, or rather its first chapter, was released with a cryptic announcement on http://www.deltarune.com for free on Windows and Mac but a Linux version was sadly not released at launch. However, thanks to a DELTARUNE fan on Reddit, we now have unofficial native port of the game.

The Reddit user JohnWatson78 posted their port on the DELTARUNE subreddit and afterwards updated their post with instructions on how they managed to make the game run on Linux.

Essentially, they extracted the officially released version of the game, made sure the files were in the correct places and in lowercase letters and found a compatible GameMaker "runner" executable that could then load the game assets. The main issue was finding a suitable runner file by browsing existing Linux GameMaker ports. You can naturally find the more detailed step-by-step guide in JohnWatson78's Reddit post.

So, to clarify, this is an actual native port and doesn't rely on utilizing Wine or other compatibility modes, just feeding the game data to a version of the game engine that can understand said data.

This is a very cool thing for a couple of reasons. Firstly, and without further spoilers, DELTARUNE is a very cool game and UNDERTALE fans hungering for more content will surely be pleased to be able to play the game. Also, running the Windows version in Wine, while doable, causes some small issues like the game running at 2x the normal speed unless specifically restricted to 30 FPS (I thought I was just bad at the game but at least my next playthrough will be easy). This issue should not affect the native port.

However, another prospect of this port is that we now have a detailed process to follow in order to make future fan-ports of GameMaker games with relatively little effort. While we may wish that the devs themselves handled this part for us (and I still hope Toby Fox makes an official port), it's a fact of life that some developers will never make a proper port. Now we at least have a way to make such games potentially run on Linux on our own. And who knows, perhaps the community being able to pull off a port on their own will convince the developers to release an official port in time.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I'm a Linux gamer from Finland. I like reading, long walks on the beach, dying repeatedly in roguelikes and ripping and tearing in FPS games. I also sometimes write code and sometimes that includes hobbyist game development.
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Rosalie Nov 14, 2018
pretty awesome!
Avehicle7887 Nov 14, 2018
Windows Unity games can be converted in a similar way if matched with Linux exe that is same or close enough version, it may not work for all games though.

Last edited by Avehicle7887 on 14 November 2018 at 3:41 pm UTC
Ehvis Nov 14, 2018
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With the name being an anagram for Undertale one may assume it is closely related to it. Is it some sort of free coda to the game? The website isn't exactly filled with information.
Samsai Nov 14, 2018
Quoting: EhvisWith the name being an anagram for Undertale one may assume it is closely related to it. Is it some sort of free coda to the game? The website isn't exactly filled with information.
It's basically the first chapter of the game for free. Some have called it a "demo" but considering it's 4 hours long and has a decent story I'd argue it's a entire free game. And yes, the website looks scary but that's how Toby Fox seems to have intended it.
wvstolzing Nov 14, 2018
The same trick had been available for Downwell too; though from the comments in the steam forums, it seems like an update to the game broke that 'functionality', since the time it worked fine for me. In my case, I had taken the 'runner' from the demo version of Fran Bow; but people now say that more recent downloads of Downwell don't work with that runner anymore.

(by the way, Downwell works flawlessly under Proton now, and I wholeheartedly recommend it. Such a well made little game. I believe the lead dev has been hired by Nintendo now.)
Shmerl Nov 14, 2018
What stops the developer from releasing for Linux, if the result is functional anyway?
stretch611 Nov 14, 2018
Quoting: ShmerlWhat stops the developer from releasing for Linux, if the result is functional anyway?
They don't want to support it.
Shmerl Nov 14, 2018
Quoting: stretch611They don't want to support it.

It's a free game. How much do they "support" Windows version?
Leopard Nov 14, 2018
Quoting: ShmerlWhat stops the developer from releasing for Linux, if the result is functional anyway?

Afaik Toby Fox doesn't know coding thus doesn't know packaging as well if it is not provided by tool he uses.

At least a Discord user told me so ; not in a harmful way. As a simple fact.
Shmerl Nov 14, 2018
Quoting: LeopardAfaik Toby Fox doesn't know coding thus doesn't know packaging as well if it is not provided by tool he uses.

So how did he release Undertale for Linux?
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