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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Liam Dawe Jan 19, 2019
Quoting: Guestyeah im enjoying this website because of people who post on here.
because they provide me nice information

but i don't enjoy content, why are these all these things marginalized to word content?? if i post on forums and other people too and i read lots of interesting stuff, does it mean i'm content too?? No sorry, i'm a human, not content :S.
So information and content is the same stuff?? Sorry i think these are two different words.
Not quite sure what you're trying to say here. When talking about content, I specifically mean what I am going to do.
callcifer Jan 19, 2019
Quoting: Guestyeah im enjoying this website because of people who post on here.
because they provide me nice information

but i don't enjoy content, why are these all these things marginalized to word content?? if i post on forums and other people too and i read lots of interesting stuff, does it mean i'm content too?? No sorry, i'm a human, not content :S.
So information and content is the same stuff?? Sorry i think these are two different words.

This comment reads like it was auto-generated by one of those Wordpress spam bots.

Anyway, I'm a Patreon supporter and will remain that way for 2019. GoL is by far the best resource for Linux gaming news and discussion (/r/linux_gaming is also ok). So, Liam and the other contributors, keep doing what you've been doing :)

Last edited by callcifer on 19 January 2019 at 8:18 pm UTC
buenaventura Jan 19, 2019
Your content is great! I will return as a supporter after a month's hiatus now, after some hellishly poor christmas months. I appreciate the work you do trying to moderate the discord as well, even if I dont go there much nowadays! Be strict to save yourself work!

Anyways, focus should be on the great site and the articles, very good work!
marcin1509 Jan 19, 2019
you can register in Brave's BAT to allow users to send a tip in this way :)
Liam Dawe Jan 19, 2019
Quoting: marcin1509you can register in Brave's BAT to allow users to send a tip in this way :)
Thanks for the tip, but i tried them before and their system was just terrible and left a bad taste.
Samsai Jan 19, 2019
Quoting: Guestwhy can't you say if you enjoy our and use word website, and dont use word content?
if you enjoy our website

sorry word content reminds me of all these youtubers who beg people for subscriptions promising new content, it's definitely not positive thing ;/
Content is just the stuff people produce. So when Liam says "if you've enjoyed our content" it just means the stuff Liam has produced aka articles and videos. Just because you have negative preconceptions about the meaning of the word "content" doesn't mean that it's a word we should avoid.
kuhpunkt Jan 19, 2019
Quoting: Guestwhy can't you say if you enjoy our and use word website, and dont use word content?
if you enjoy our website

sorry word content reminds me of all these youtubers who beg people for subscriptions promising new content, it's definitely not positive thing ;/


In publishing, art, and communication, content is the information and experiences that are directed towards an end-user or audience.[1] Content is "something that is to be expressed through some medium, as speech, writing or any of various arts".[2] Content can be delivered via many different media including the Internet, cinema, television, smartphones, audio CDs, books, e-books, magazines, and live events, such as speeches, conferences, and stage performances.
Leopard Jan 19, 2019
Quoting: Guestwell i would say people who use words content are spambots
because there all over the whole internet, content people, who only want to consume content, and people who want give content to people.
same and same words content and content on whole internet :)

so to me people who say things on forums like: OP said that they did great work and content is amazing, goodjob are spambots
everywhere i go there are spambots who write like that. are they humanes or content work bots?? why is everybody about content??
and first of all, what's content?? cuz im uneducated, please describe me meaning of word content, please.

Sorry but i think you have some problems.

If there isn't content that Liam and others put on that site , people won't be able to put their comments ( which oddly you describe it as a content )

This website is also a content if you look it that way ; that provides you to get your contents ( comments )

If you don't want to donate , cool. Don't do it.

But don't come up with comments like that. Just skip it.
Samsai Jan 19, 2019
Quoting: Guestyeah i have problems
i have problems because everytime i go on internet i see words content work job content work job.

im not here for content but for information cuz there is forums and people who are on here share similar interests.
and i don't ahve negative preconceptions for word content but this word makes me feel negative.

why can't you use your brain and use different word?? why is everybody the same and uses the same words on internet? content work job??
i go on path of exile forum. people comment content and beg devs for content
i go on diablo 3 forum. people cry that blizzard dont put new content so game is crap
i go on runescape forum and read how people like the content
my friend who watches youtube all the time and youtubers he hears this word all the time and he hates this word too. it's not just me.

after seeing word content on internet trillion times in one year, it may make me feel negative. if you feel negative cuz of my posts then just ban me, and you will have your content.
I see the word "the" everywhere and I don't go on crusades to end the use of that word.
kuhpunkt Jan 19, 2019
Quoting: Guestim not here for content but for information cuz there is forums and people who are on here share similar interests.

Information IS content.

Quoting: Guestand i don't ahve negative preconceptions for word content but this word makes me feel negative.

No negative preconception - but it makes you feel negative. That seems like a contradiction.

Quoting: Guestwhy can't you use your brain and use different word?? why is everybody the same and uses the same words on internet? content work job??

Because it is content, that is provided.

Last edited by kuhpunkt on 19 January 2019 at 9:14 pm UTC
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