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Hello everyone, I hope you're all having a good weekend playing some fun games. Just a reminder, that we rely on user support.

First of all, to everyone who has supported us in the past and to those who continue to do so now—thank you! Thanks to you, there's no adverts to be found anywhere on the website and never will be.

Hopefully we have enough ways covered for people to consider throwing their support behind us:

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All the ways to support us, can be found on this page.

It's already looking like it's going to be a very interesting year, with a lot of fun things going on behind the scenes. I've got quite a few plans of my own for the website this year, both in terms of content and new features that will roll out as the year goes on.

If you ever wish to contact us directly to request an article, video or something else our inbox is always open.

We had a strong 2018, let's have an awesome 2019!

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: Site Info
About the author -
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
See more from me
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pete910 Jan 20, 2019
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With you being southern you need all the help you cam get :P
Linuxer Jan 20, 2019
The shop to buy shirts and stuff doesnt work?
Linas Jan 20, 2019
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Liam, supporting you is probably the best decision I have ever made. I check the website multiple times a day, and nearly every time I find something worth reading. I like how your articles contain more factual information and are more trustworthy than mainstream news outlets. I imagine it cannot be easy to keep it going.

Hope that you are doing well, and thank you for bringing us one step closer to the world domination one article at a time. :)
Linas Jan 20, 2019
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P.S. How do you pronounce your last name.
Liam Dawe Jan 20, 2019
Quoting: LinuxerThe shop to buy shirts and stuff doesnt work?
Sin is working on new designs, it will return!

Quoting: LinasP.S. How do you pronounce your last name.
Hah, a source of many jokes. Hint: not a door but kinda close... more like, daaw?
Nevertheless Jan 20, 2019
Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: LinuxerThe shop to buy shirts and stuff doesnt work?
Sin is working on new designs, it will return!

Quoting: LinasP.S. How do you pronounce your last name.
Hah, a source of many jokes. Hint: not a door but kinda close... more like, daaw?

A name to be in awe (of), Mr Dawe?
damarrin Jan 20, 2019
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I am glad I can pitch in every month. Thank you for what you've been doing and here's to many a prosperous year for GoL and Linux gaming! :)
cRaZy-bisCuiT Jan 20, 2019
Thank you Liam, I'll keep on donating you a coffee each month. :)

Last edited by cRaZy-bisCuiT on 20 January 2019 at 7:23 pm UTC
Liam Dawe Jan 20, 2019
Quoting: cRaZy-bisCuiTThank you Liam, I'll keep on donating you a coffee each month. :)
Much appreciated, I do love coffee.
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