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Here's something interesting, Epic Games are launching their Epic Online Services and it will support Linux as well as multiple different game engines.

Building upon the work they've done with Fortnite, it's going to offer support for: Parties, an in-game Overlay, Matchmaking, Player reports, Achievements, leaderboards, stats and so on. Don't get too excited though, as right now it's only offering Game analytics (telemetry about players) and a support ticket system with everything else "Coming soon".

On the official page that's now live, it shows the happy little Linux "tux" logo and in the FAQ at the bottom it clearly states it too:

Epic Online Services will initially come with built-in support for Windows, Mac, and Linux. PlayStation, Xbox, Android, Switch, and iOS support will be added in the coming months.

Regardless of your feelings towards Epic Games and their current exclusive deal strategy, it's still essential that services like this support Linux. Lots of developers use the Unreal Engine which they will no doubt push for developers to use this, also since it will support Unity, other games engines and other stores (So Steam is fine too) if even more developers use it then we don't want another barrier for Linux game development.

As for the Epic Store itself, don't get excited about that either, it's still not even on their (now public) roadmap.

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Tags: Game Dev, Misc
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Corben Mar 22, 2019
Well, regarding to Sergey Galyonkin's tweet, they are looking for Linux engineers. In that thread it's about getting Pheonix Point to run on Linux... via proton or wine or whatever. So it might be related to getting Epic's Launcher to work in wine, or maybe a native Client. Or something completely different, as they probably need also Linux engineers for their back end stuff.

At least this sounds way less against Linux than they don't plan to support Linux at all.

Yeah, fingers crossed they'll support Linux with games and clients in the future. If I got that right, they do have enough money to help Linux gaming if they want to. Even though it's not giving a net positive for the first time.
Faattori Mar 22, 2019
I'd say they need all their people with Linux knowledge for Google Stadia related work.

Last edited by Faattori on 22 March 2019 at 10:54 am UTC
TheRiddick Mar 22, 2019
Finally a positive move by the Epic storm team...

But I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have announced linux support if google didn't mention they were using it for their gaming platform.. either way its a small win for tux.

Last edited by TheRiddick on 22 March 2019 at 10:56 am UTC
GeoGalvanic Mar 22, 2019
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They can make tools to develop on Linux but refuse to use them...
Zelox Mar 22, 2019
If there is no big titles supporting Linux, I don't really care what they support. Won't make much of a difference for Linux. Aaand epic store is also a spyware even more closed then valves platform. I also hate there business model. Don't buy exclusives to force players to your platform. Be uniqe so players want to be on your store. Epics why is very toxic..
gradyvuckovic Mar 22, 2019
I'm pretty sure they wouldn't announce this if not for Google Stadia, and like you said, they still have no plans to actually sell any Linux games through their store.

So, I don't know.. woo I guess.. if this is a victory it's so tiny I can barely see it right now, but then I am part of the angry mob holding a burning torch and calling for Epic Game Store to be boycotted into the next century so yeah I guess I am kinda blinded by that. With all the other anti-consumer behaviour EGS has gotten up to lately, personally I don't particularly care if they never support Linux since I wouldn't be buying from them anyway.

At the rate they're burning through cash buying exclusives and snatching them away from Steam, and given the suspected incredibly low sales results of Metro Exodus showing their plan isn't working, and the fact their store has virtually nothing else to offer besides exclusives that will inevitably come to Steam anyway.. I wouldn't count on EGS being a big deal for that long anyway, it might not matter in the long run.
crt0mega Mar 22, 2019
I'd rather have Origin () on Linux than this.
mylka Mar 22, 2019
Quoting: crt0megaI'd rather have Origin () on Linux than this.

they are working on an linux engine
now we know it is surely for stadia, but maybe even origin comes to linux one day

Quoting: CorbenWell, regarding to Sergey Galyonkin's tweet, they are looking for Linux engineers. In that thread it's about getting Pheonix Point to run on Linux... via proton or wine or whatever.

i think Phoenix Point is the perfect game for stadia. latency isnt that important

Last edited by mylka on 22 March 2019 at 11:53 am UTC
Nanobang Mar 22, 2019
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Quoting: gradyvuckovicwoo I guess..

This is exactly what my response was going to be, lol.

I mean, it is good in the ways Liam points out, but---and please pardon the ham-fistedness of my analogy---it's good like Hitler had the trains running on time.

Last edited by Nanobang on 22 March 2019 at 12:00 pm UTC
Mal Mar 22, 2019
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And so, one day, they will buy third party games and release them exclusively on linux. And I will be forced to stand up for the windows junkies out there. This gaming world is so messed up.
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