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Open source Morrowind game engine OpenMW has a new release up

By - | Views: 22,596

Time for another adventure? OpenMW, the free and open source game engine for Morrowind just had a brand new release. Do note, this release does not include the long-awaited Shadows implementation.

There's various AI improvements, shader water is rougher during bad weather, more options in the launcher, 360° screenshot support, you can now deal critical hits to unaware enemies with ranged weapons, performance improvements, multiple issues with spell-casting fixed for scripted events, hit detection improvements and so on. Of course it also includes tons of bug fixes, solving around 200 issues. See more on the OpenMW website.

Their release video:

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Constantly amazed by this, once shadows are in I will be personally giving it a play through. This is why I love the open source community making game engines like this, so many games I didn't get a chance to finish when I was younger that I can now. It's not just that though, some games don't age well so getting them improved in this way is fantastic.

It does need a copy of Morrowind to play, you can find it any time on GOG and Steam. However, right now it's also free to grab from Bethesda using the code "TES25TH-MORROWIND" until March 31st.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: Game Engine, Open Source, RPG | Apps: OpenMW
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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psi29a Mar 28, 2019
The next big features for 0.46 are: shadows and navmesh navigation

If you want to help us test these features (and more), feel free to grab one of our dailies:

Keep in mind, these are built from master so things are still in development. If you see anything you see as suspicious or downright bugging, be sure to report it to us so we can track it and fix it!

Enjoy! :)

PS: on our forums are links to MacOS and Windows dailies as well.
Scoopta Mar 28, 2019
I really want a project like this for Skyrim.
psi29a Mar 28, 2019
Quoting: ScooptaI really want a project like this for Skyrim.

That's what OpenMW is shooting for... have a read from one of our recent blog posts:

If you're still not convinced... then head to the forums and look at the youtube links showing OpenMW running (bits of) Oblivion, Skyrim and Fallout3.


There is still more work to do, so obviously many hands makes small work. Join us! Let's make this happen! :)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWPAGuPsQ4A <-- OpenMW's Whiterun

Last edited by psi29a on 28 March 2019 at 5:08 pm UTC
Scoopta Mar 28, 2019
Quoting: psi29a
Quoting: ScooptaI really want a project like this for Skyrim.

That's what OpenMW is shooting for... have a read from one of our recent blog posts:

If you're still not convinced... then head to the forums and look at the youtube links showing OpenMW running (bits of) Oblivion, Skyrim and Fallout3.


There is still more work to do, so obviously many hands makes small work. Join us! Let's make this happen! :)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWPAGuPsQ4A <-- OpenMW's Whiterun
Tbh I don't do C++ otherwise I'd love to. That language is like demon spawn haha. Just my opinion.
legluondunet Mar 28, 2019
Quoteright now it's also free to grab from Bethesda using the code "TES25TH-MORROWIND" until March 31st.

And you have to install the "Betheeda Launcher"...no thanks, I prefer to use the Gog version, without installer.
Uplay, Origin, Epic...to much games clients that are not Linux compatible.
jury Mar 28, 2019
My first contact with Elder Scrolls series was Morrowind through OpenMW 3 years ago. Great engine!
Liam Dawe Mar 28, 2019
Quoting: legluondunet
Quoteright now it's also free to grab from Bethesda using the code "TES25TH-MORROWIND" until March 31st.

And you have to install the "Betheeda Launcher"...no thanks, I prefer to use the Gog version, without installer.
Uplay, Origin, Epic...to much games clients that are not Linux compatible.
The method really doesnt matter for things like this.
qptain Nemo Mar 28, 2019
Is there yet an option to disable the bright bleak distance fog? It can be a beautiful effect when done right but I absolutely can't stand how it looks in Morrowind.
Hopfenmeister Mar 28, 2019
One question: if I have never played Morrowind before and want to try it out with OpenMW, which are the recommended Mods that most people would consider essential because they improve the experience?
axredneck Mar 28, 2019
Quoting: legluondunetAnd you have to install the "Betheeda Launcher"...
... then install Morrowind, then uninstall Bethesda Launcher and install OpenMW.
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