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Ah yes, now I can live out my dream of not just walking with the dinosaurs but to actually live and breathe as one. Path of Titans is planning full Linux support.

Path of Titans is a multiplayer dinosaur survival video game being developed for home computers and mobile devices. Survive as a dinosaur in a rich ecosystem filled with intelligent AI creatures and up to 200 other players. Explore a realistic, detailed environment and complete objectives on your own or with members of your pack.

This one has my serious interest. For starters, the developer is firmly committed to Linux support, with one of their team in our Discord often sharing details and talking about it. Even before that, I followed their development posts and their progress has been impressive.


  • Permanent characters with in-depth skin and trait customization
  • A complex questing system.
  • Group and Guild systems that allow for pack hunting and herd migration, with servers supporting up to 200 concurrent players.
  • Lush environment filled with AI dinosaurs and smaller prehistoric creatures
  • Swimming, diving, and fishing in both lakes and rivers.
  • Cross platform functionality, play the game from your PC with your friends on mobile and vice versa.
  • Powerful modding tools with extensive documentation, and a backend allowing modders to deliver their content to other players.

It looks damn good too. Seriously, just look at this, the work on the actual dinosaur models and animations is great:

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They're not planning to release it on Steam. They're doing their own cross-platform launcher, which you can already test from the official website (you need to register an account first) - offered as a Snap or AppImage.

Testing it myself, the launcher works without issues on Manjaro so that's a good start:

The release is expected next year, with backers of at least $30 getting pre-release access in December.

Find it on IndieGoGo for more info and if you wish to back their crowdfunding campaign. They're looking to raise at least $25,299 although it's using the Flexible Funding method, so they get all funds even if the target is not met. They've nearly reached 50% too, so that's great.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
About the author -
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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ElectricPrism Jul 17, 2019
d00d looks awesome! Will follow for sure
TheRiddick Jul 17, 2019
I would actually be ok if this was a battle royal, but not a exclusively BR game, sick of games that have just one mode and no story or other features, I mean its ok for a f2p game.

ALso this looks similar or identical to another game people were playing allot on windows about a year ago, related with dinosaurs hunting each other etc....
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