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Laservasion is the next game from Red Phoenix Studios (prev. Poly Towns, A New World: Kingdoms), a shoot 'em up that resembles the classic Asteroids only it seems to get a lot more intense.

Speaking about the new game, the developer said they wanted to make a game with a smaller scope than their previous titles, so they decided to make something inspired by the classics. What they've managed to come up with in Laservasion actually looks pretty good, a retro-inspired shoot 'em up with some colourful effects going on with some good beats:

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  • - 30 progressive levels
  • - 2 extra game modes to offer different challenges
  • - Stunning visuals mixing retro and modern graphics
  • - Boss levels to keep you out of your comfort zone
  • - Difficulty increases as you progress with the introduction of new enemies
  • - Steam leaderboards to challenge your friends and the world
  • - A collection of achievements

You can follow it on and Steam. At release it will be priced around £7.99/$9.99/€8.99 with a release expected in September.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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fabertawe Aug 5, 2019
It looks nicely implemented.

These intense asteroids-like games always remind me of Spheres Of Chaos, which IMHO, is difficult to better. I loved it on RiscOS and was delighted to find it on Linux. It's in the AUR, btw.
linuxjacques Aug 5, 2019
Reminds me a bit of Space Duel.
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