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Paradox Development Studio have released another big free content update to the empire building game Europa Universalis IV.

The 1.29 Manchu update went live yesterday with these headlining additions:

  • More detailed northeast Asian map: New provinces and greater historical fidelity to Manchuria and Mongolia.
  • Empire of China rebalance: The Celestial Throne should be something worth fighting for! New challenges in holding the title, but great bonuses for a wise emperor that can keep the Middle Kingdom together.
  • Increased dynamism in the Ming Empire: Changes to meritocracy and the Mandate encourage a more challenging and less static Ming experience.
  • New Historical Events: Flavor events and new event chains that add greater depth and context to Ming and Manchu development through the game.
  • Host can now be observer in multiplayer games
  • Added Korean mission tree with 27 missions in total
  • 64bit only now

There's quite a lot more to it including plenty of balance changes and bug fixes. See all about it here.

Much like what happened with the Prison Architect update, the Linux version does have some issues due to the new Paradox Launcher. If it doesn't work for you, try this as a launch option on Steam (right click -> "Properties" -> "Set Launch Options…"):

LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ %command%

If you wish to bypass the launcher entirely, you can do so quite easily just by launching EU IV directly. To find the installed folder, right click on the game and go to "Properties" and then -> hit the "Local Files" tab and press "Browse Local Files…". Then just run the "eu4" file.

You can pick up Europa Universalis IV from Humble Store and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Philadelphus Oct 16, 2019
Quoting: chrAlmost related, but was I the only one who didn't know that Groogy (one of the public-facing devs) works and plays on Linux?
I didn't know that, no! ^_^
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