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Snowy Ash Games just recently released MicroTown, a pixel art village construction and management simulator. Note: Key provided by the developer.

So far, it feels pretty good. Has a certain Settlers feel to it! The gameplay offered currently is a little simple and short, with only a single scenario to go through or sandbox play with no objective. For what it's worth though, the developer does describe it as a "relaxing" game so a huge amount of depth is likely not the point with this one.

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For Early Access, the developer stated they plan to stay there for around 2 to 6 months. During this time they will be adding in more scenarios, a campaign-like mode, expanded production chains, trading and a lot more. The roadmap seems pretty good, so I will keep checking back on it.

There's a couple of areas I can already see it needing improvements on. The font for example, it's really small and a little hard to read. Some kind of scaling option would be good, I can't imagine it being good on high resolutions. Buildings also need to be a little more distinct, they often just seem like a small reskin of other buildings, it's hard to tell things at a glance due to this.

I've enjoyed the few hours I had with it, relaxing certainly seems like an accurate description for it so far.

You can find it on Steam, it's 10% off until September 6th.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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