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FOSS game engine Godot Engine just gained a new Platinum sponsor

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The excellent free and open source game engine Godot Engine just announced that Heroic Labs are now supporting their development as a Platinum level sponsor.

Going by the Patreon campaign for Godot Engine, that means Heroic Labs are handing over at least $1,500 monthly to help development which is awesome. It's an interesting matchup too, as Heroic Labs are the developers of the open source Nakama (GitHub) a "real-time, competitive, social back-end that helps game developers create compelling multiplayer experiences" according to Heroic and they're now working on getting it working with Godot Engine as well.

Hopefully the extra funding will continue to keep the team at Godot Engine secure to keep pushing this FOSS game engine further into the hands of more developers.

In other related Godot Engine news, work is continuing on Godot Engine 4.0 with developer Juan Linietsky deep into getting Vulkan support ready. Just today, Linietsky posted on Twitter an exciting update for developers:

Debug visualization of compute-based voxel lighting, with ray-marched shadows, for the new global illumination implementation. Godot 4.0 GIProbe will be fully real-time, look better and work on more lower end GPUs thanks to Vulkan.

Which had a little teaser video too:

Godot Engine 4.0 really is going to be a massive release. If you've been using Godot Engine, do share what you're working on in the comments if it will be available for Linux.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Skipperro Oct 4, 2019
As you wish - sharing in comment what I'm working on in Godot:

Pre-Alpha is already available on Linux. It's also developed 100% on Linux using open source software.
iiari Oct 4, 2019
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Quoting: SkipperroAs you wish - sharing in comment what I'm working on in Godot:

Pre-Alpha is already available on Linux. It's also developed 100% on Linux using open source software.
Wow, looks like a lot of fun!
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