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Noir-inspired detective adventure 'Backbone: Prologue' now supports Linux

By - | Views: 11,857

Backbone: Prologue, acting as the demo of an upcoming much larger game from developer EggNut has finally added Linux support today a few months after releasing for Windows.

Originally funded on Kickstarter back in 2018, Backbone is a pixel art cinematic adventure with stealth and action elements. It does look seriously good, the atmosphere is incredible so it's good to see we weren't forgotten about.

A little more about what to expect from it:

Backbone's gameplay is a new take on point-and-click adventure, featuring stealth, exploration and extensive branching dialogues inspired by classic CRPGs. As Howard, you must traverse the different districts of a now walled-off Vancouver, sniff out clues, collect evidence, interrogate witnesses, and choose which leads to follow.

Inspired by film noir, Backbone will submerge you into its dark dystopian atmosphere. Every animation in the game is handcrafted frame by frame, and environments are modeled after real streets of Vancouver, BC. The breathtaking combination of high resolution pixel art and 3D effects like dynamic lighting, pouring rain, volumetric fog and neon lights bring the sprawling city to life. Original doom jazz soundtrack will keep you on the edge with the enveloping veil of bebop and cinematic soundscapes, where every sound tells a story.

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A big 1.1 patch landed today, here's the highlights:

  • Settings menu for visuals and sound.
  • Mac and Linux support.
  • Controller support.
  • Optimization.
  • New fluid NPC animations.
  • Alley truck puzzle polished.
  • Dialogues edited for clarity and snappiness.
  • New original song in The Bite.
  • Tiny and big bug fixes.

You can find Backbone: Prologue free on Steam now. The full game also has a Steam page for you to follow, due to release sometime next year.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
About the author -
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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hardpenguin Oct 25, 2019
Oh hell yes, thanks Backbone team!
thoughtfulhippo Oct 26, 2019
That's great news. I backed the campaign and it's good to see them come through on their promise for Linux support.
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