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Abbey Games, a developer known for titles like Reus, Renowned Explorers: International Society and most recently Godhood announced today things aren't going so well.

Back in March this year their Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign for their newest game, Godhood, was successfully funded with €54,376. It then launched into Early Access in July, but it seems neither the campaign or Early Access launch is enough.

In a post on the Godhood Kickstarter, they explain that to survive they're going to scope down "significantly" to get Godhood across the finishing line. They said Godhood will still be completed, coming to a full release in the first half of 2020 with a roadmap change.

Sadly, they will also be discontinuing all staff contracts on December 31st. From there the founders "will continue those efforts to deliver the best possible version of Godhood" and they remain as publisher for their previous games to support them.

This also means that Godhood will not be expanded with new content once it's done. They originally envisioned keeping it updated for years but that's no longer a goal they can achieve. We wish all the best to the founders of Abbey Games and the staff that will be let go.

If you wish to pick up a copy of their latest game, Godhood, you can do so on GOG and Steam. Their other games are up there too.

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KuJo Nov 6, 2019
QuoteIf you wish to pick up a copy of their latest game, Godhood, you can do so on GOG and Steam. Their other games are up there too.
Both links point to GOG.
BTRE Nov 6, 2019
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Quoting: KuJo
QuoteIf you wish to pick up a copy of their latest game, Godhood, you can do so on GOG and Steam. Their other games are up there too.
Both links point to GOG.
Also saw that and fixed it :)
Submitting a correction via the button above is generally more visible than commenting in the article btw as it becomes a notification that editors might see.
Liam Dawe Nov 6, 2019
Added a new button to the comments box to directly send a correction report from there :)
tonR Nov 6, 2019
It's sad to see people losing their jobs. But, that's one part of our life journal. Some are lucky while some are not.

Stay strong Abbey games staff. :(
Hamish Nov 6, 2019
Saw the title bleary eyed in the morning and it looked like they announced their next game was going to be "They're Going to Let Staff Go".

If only that were the case. Best of luck to everyone affected.
TheSHEEEP Nov 6, 2019
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Looking at how their latest game was received, that's unfortunately not very surprising.
Hope they can get back on track with their next game, though.
JSVRamirez Nov 6, 2019
Quoting: TheSHEEEPLooking at how their latest game was received, that's unfortunately not very surprising.
Hope they can get back on track with their next game, though.

The problem is that the game they produced wasn't the game their backers had imagined. Many saw it as the (long awaited) spiritual successor to Populous and what materialised was a dice-rolling combat simulator. I'm not pointing fingers about who is responsible (we, the backers, are going to imagine everything with the words, "God-sim," to be this, just as there were possibly things said/suggested that were misleading...)

Just a shame, really, though.
soulsource Nov 7, 2019
For me as a backer the initial early access version of the game was pretty much exactly what I was expecting from the description on the Kickstarter page...
(A few things were still missing due to early access, of course.)

I haven't played since the "Will of the people" update though, because from that update's description I was afraid that the game is now something completely different from what was envisioned during the Kickstarter.

In any case, I'm afraid that Abbey Games still had the same issue during Early Access that they had during the Kickstarter (which had a very modest goal, and still troubles reaching it): A lack of visibility. If people don't know about a game, they of course won't buy it...
Colombo Nov 7, 2019
IMHO, all the Abbey games had problem with me.

When I heard "God game, where you can make your religion!" It was sold to me. But when Liam came with its review: "Dancing simulator with JRPG-like combat" I was done.

Similarly with the previous game with the giants that could change terrain. I imagined that I would have a single giant with associated tribe and battle against other giants and their tribes. Not that I would need to combine natural powers to make a habitable planet.
soulsource Nov 8, 2019
Quoting: ColomboIMHO, all the Abbey games had problem with me.

When I heard "God game, where you can make your religion!" It was sold to me. But when Liam came with its review: "Dancing simulator with JRPG-like combat" I was done.

Similarly with the previous game with the giants that could change terrain. I imagined that I would have a single giant with associated tribe and battle against other giants and their tribes. Not that I would need to combine natural powers to make a habitable planet.

Their previous game was Renowned Explorers: International Society, and it's imho still one of the best turn based strategy games out there.
I agree on Reus though. That one was a bit strange.
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